Trailer? Electric car? Needed! If it's with batteries

    Trailers are our everything!

    A lot of copies have already been broken on the Internet, in smoking rooms and in the press about the timeliness / environmental friendliness / cost-effectiveness of cars in electric. I'll insert my five kopecks, and maybe the whole hryvnia.

    To begin with, on a regular car with a gasoline engine I go to the suburbs every weekend, to my dacha ~ 50-60km one way, the cruising flow rate ~ 90km / h. In principle, this is quite an affordable distance at both ends, say, for the most common Nissan Leaf of the first generation, even without recharging, if it were not for one BUT.

    Periodically, the traffic flow is somewhat slowed down by a UAZ vehicle, a motorcycle with a sidecar, and what do you think? Right! Electric cars! It is good if it drives 80 km / h, but when the car at the last kilowatt is slowly moving along the side of the road at dusk and without dimensions - this is a violation of traffic rules and a threat to traffic safety.

    And so, once again overtaking such a "freak" on an electric car (they are not guilty in general - the batteries of cars that came to our country at the end of the resource), the thought flashed through my head - he still lacked a trailer as "Zaporozhtsu"

    - and then BINGO !!! This is IT! What you need! Let me explain my joy, meaning some well-known shortcomings of electric vehicles:

    1. The weight of the batteries is in the same Nissan Leaf 1st gen. it is about 300 kg, which increases the load on the chassis and, accordingly, reduces its service life or leads to an increase in cost.
    2. Long (relative to fueling) charge time - in order to travel from Kiev to Odessa, a car with an internal combustion engine takes 500-6 kilometers to go 5-6 hours, an electric car takes 10-12 hours, and then subject to the availability of “fast” charge posts at the required points on track.
    3. Cost - the “battery” itself with a capacity of 24 kW draws up to $ 10,000 and repacking / replacing is also not cheap - in the end, at the price of a used electric car, you can buy a used car and 10 cubic meters of liquefied gas in coupons, which is enough for 100 thousand km. run

    Here are all of these items in general, are solved by the transfer of the batteries in the trailer - essentially a kind poverbank for an electric vehicle (hereinafter referred to me for the sake of simplicity will be the basis to take the capacity and characteristics of the batteries of the first Leaf):

    Consider the concept of a national electric vehicle, or a lithium hell!

    Without going into details, approximately (with an accuracy of about 10%), a battery with a capacity of 24 kilowatts requires 33 common lead-acid batteries 12V of standard capacity 60 ampere-hours and a total weight of 460 kilograms (14kg each) - ~ $ 1,300 + car trailer ~ 400 $. As a result, having placed a third of the batteries in the car, we do not overload the suspension and get a mileage of several tens of kilometers, which is enough for the city. The remaining batteries - ~ 310 kg + 180 kg of the trailer itself do not exceed the allowed towed weight for cars weighing 1 ton and add about a hundred kilometers of run.

    At a price, let's say “Sens” (Lanos with a Ukrainian engine) at $ 6000, for 10 kilo-packs you can get a car with two battery trailers - With one drive, the other is charging / working in the green house system (the idea of ​​some auto concerns). And having finished the mileage of the base car up to 50 / 60km, you can offer a trailer as an extra. options.

    In the limit, this technology can give additional bonuses to electric vehicles - in the intercity the user only pays for renting / depreciating the energy trailer and consumed kilowatts, thereby eliminating the need for long-term charging (the same car manufacturers are still struggling with the problem of fast battery replacement at gas stations).

    The trailer itself can be aerodynamic (although with the size of the battery the main costs will be for the transmission, if you remove the sides), and having calculated its suspension for a fixed load, you can reduce energy consumption to a minimum.

    Turning to lithium and equipping it with its own braking system (to realize recovery), one can easily step up to a run of 300-500 km on one charge. By the way, the trailer itself will indeed be much more compact - 24 marked batteries are placed on one square meter against two squares of area for a standard passenger sample.

    By placing on the trailer a kilowatt "daisy" from solar panels, you can get an independent power system for the dacha and not wait for the arrival of eco-houses from Tesla, Nissan-a and BMW.

    Naturally, any medal has two sides, let's look at the shortcomings of the “lead” energy trailers:

    1. Lead batteries have more weight per unit of capacity (in theory, 4 times), almost as we see - one and a half.
    2. The impossibility of “fast” charging - a maximum of 20% with a current is 8 hours - and yes, 10% below the efficiency against lithium batteries, although nominally lithium is also desirable to charge slowly - the battery then accumulates more charge.
    3. The number of charge cycles - the theory is at variance with practice - in fact, 400 cycles in lead versus 1000 in lithium (think of your smartphone or laptop).

    Of course, electric vehicle manufacturers are trying in every way to veil the conventional charge cycles after the battery life, but the economy should be economical (we remember;), so the cost of a 100km trip on electricity is:

    If you take the cost of even $ 1600 and 400 cycles for lead batteries $ 4 per cycle, we add to this amount the cost of 30 kilowatts for the population (based on an efficiency of 80%) we get $ 6 per 150 kilometers. Do you think Leaf has a better job? Minimum price is new! $ 5000 batteries, though the number of cycles is three times more, and even if you take 100% battery efficiency, the
    profit will be 50 cent. On the same money, "average economic" in terms of fuel consumption, the European Logan 1.2 on gasoline will pass just a hundred kilometers, on gas - the same distance.
    Accordingly, the electric car itself for the end customer should be no more expensive than a gasoline one. In Europe, there are state subsidies for buyers, and India, for example,
    released the $ 2500 electric Tata Nano - there are ways, we just don’t want to follow them.

    No, I do not campaign for transport with the internal combustion engine, just comparing. Now the issue of environmental pollution - even in developed countries, the battery packs that have not been used in cars are not disposed of, but they are being proposed to be used in eco-house systems, so far we only come to this,
    but recycling and disposal of lead-acid batteries is a well-known and working technology, except In addition, there are “correct” charge / discharge controllers and desulfation techniques that prolong their life.

    At the output, we have the advantage of lithium blocks only in weight.

    PS Again, in support of my words, I want to point out that we have everything (that is, it was) - confirmation of the fact that the Lanos Pick-UP is electrically powered - with a 15-kilowatt engine on eight lead-acid batteries.

    But AvtoZAZ curtailed the production of passenger cars - as usual, everything merged ... as the same brand that could have been our answer Tate was no longer producing in the pursuit of profit from the production of ZAZ Forza, the New Luaz 1301, already ready for production and past factory tests, the program turned to release the capacity for the assembly of the VAZ 2110 - now neither Zhiguli,
    nor its SUV, Kiev Motor Plant - well, yes, here as usual, BURRETERS are to blame.
    What in the end? There is no domestic automobile industry, and there is a tax to protect it, and it really increases the price even once for cars produced by us, and hence the wave of cars on Euroballs.

    Why produce non-competitive cars? You ask, and I don’t call for this - let's do what we can and we can do - we have a lot of manufacturers of trailers and lead-acid batteries, just need to combine these two things into a power trailer, equip existing electric cars with towbars and the corresponding connectors . After all, the trailer is already a thing certified for road traffic, and what we carry in it is potatoes, cement or batteries - it does not matter, the main thing is not to exceed the permissible 750kg of total weight, and yes, to get the necessary 400 Volt, all 33 batteries are needed which said at the beginning;)

    PS At the weekend, Testil Renault Kangoo on electric (stuffing Lif, only 44kW batteries) - more boring than a seventy-five petrol car, in this Ilon Musk is right - the electric car should be bright and dynamic, give emotions. But the carrying capacity - 1200 kg - loading the distance Kiev-Odessa with lead batteries (450 km) can be covered on one charge!

    Thanks for attention!

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