Java 8 release moved to March 2014

    The chief architect of the Java platform, Mark Reinhold, announced today on his blog that the release of Java 8 has moved from September this year to March next. Recently, a lot of the efforts of Oracle engineers have been deployed to make the Java platform more secure. People were taken not from nowhere, but were transferred from other features, in particular, from lambda. Therefore, the process of developing new features in Java 8 has recently gone slower than expected, and the release date has left for six months.

    Mark asks the question: what were the Oracle guys at all? First, you could just throw lambdas out of release. In this case, the release time should have been enough, but the lambdas left somewhere around 2016, which is not very cool. The second option is to release in some places a castrated, sometimes under-tested and generally damp lambda and get a pack of possible rakes. Plus, in both of these options there is not much time for fixing security bugs, which Oracle has been paying special attention to recently. The third option, on which the guys from Oracle stopped, is to postpone the release for six months. This will allow, firstly, to better test new features (primarily lambda) and collect more feedback from users, and secondly, make Java more secure by closing a number of potential vulnerabilities during this time.

    Surely something more detailed on the topic of transferring the release to March 2014 will be heard on Tuesday at the JavaOne Russia 2013 conference in Moscow next Tuesday . If you have any questions on transferring the release - ask them in the comments for this post, we and other Oracle engineers will try to answer them.

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