PHP Digest number 136 (July 24 - August 6, 2018)

    Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 7.3.0 Beta 1, PhpStorm 2018.2, Composer 1.7 and other releases, PSR-17 standard adopted, Yii 3.0 review, an alternative implementation of the Fiber API for asynchronous applications, a portion of useful tools, and much more.

    Enjoy reading!

    News and Releases

    Php internals

    • [PHP]: Same Site Cookie - In setcookie()and other functions for working with cookies, the ability to transfer an array of options, including support for the Same-site Cookie standard, has been added . Implemented already in PHP 7.3.
    • [RFC]: Typed Properties 2.0 - The proposal for typed properties was postponed until the next major version of PHP, and in the meantime, Dmitry Stogov published benchmark results for estimating the overhead of this feature.


    Study materials


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