5 “super skills” necessary for future work
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The IT industry is a locomotive of changes occurring in our life in recent decades. Moreover, they concern the company's employees not only from the point of view of the products that we introduce to customers. These changes affect the rate of development of new products and technologies by engineers, analysts, programmers and managers.
We bring to your attention the translation of the article by Stephanie Wozza on the skills that are necessary for those who want to be in demand in the labor market in the future. We at Consist Business Group recognize the importance of the qualities described in it and support the author. We also invite you to participate in a survey on the effectiveness of talent management systems and express your opinion on the topic of the article in the comments.

The world is changing, workflows, too, and to stay on the wave, you have to add to your skills new, non-university programs. According to forecasts by leading consulting companies, from 9 to 50% of all existing professions may disappear in the next decade due to the digitization of the economy. If you want to be in demand as a professional, productive and interesting to work until retirement (and we have to work longer than our parents!), Read this article.
Consider, for sure your job responsibilities have changed over the past five years. Or your position did not even exist quite recently. According to the Institute of the Future(IFTF), a non-profit analytical center that helps companies plan for the future, jobs today and tomorrow look completely different due to the development of technology, economics, politics, environmental features.
Cornerstone, a talent management and recruiting software developer, conducted a study with IFTF, which showed what skills would be most in demand in the future. “Now there are quite a few posts that do not require any special skills, and many of these jobs will become past, being automated,” says Adam Miller, CEO of Cornerstone. “On the other hand, high-tech jobs remain vacant because people with such skills are still not enough. Regardless of whether employees recognize this, the half-life of their skills is shorter than before. ”
If you want to remain competitive in the market and follow the latest trends, you need to master five “supernaturals,” according to the IFTF.
To be successful is to stand out, and a personal brand is useful to you, showing what you are capable of and what you want to achieve. This includes building reputation, trust and a circle of followers. “The impression you make is extremely important in order to find the perfect working atmosphere and fit into the team, and to create a sense of confidence in you among colleagues, customers and managers,” said Jennifer Lasater, vice president of staff at Purdue University Global .
Start with the simplest: analyze your profiles and activity in social networks, check the email address that you specify in the resume. “Make sure that your image matches the company to which you are going to submit your resume. You must demonstrate professionalism and dedication, ”advises Jennifer, adding that it is better to enlist the support of someone from — a trusted friend or someone whose professional expertise you have no doubt — to make sure that you make the right impression.
“Also, do not lose sight of your achievements and strengths, they should also be included in your personal brand,” - said Tammy Erickson, associate professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School. “I call them“ medals, ”she says. - These are the skills that you have collected, you will get a reputation portfolio. Perhaps you are a financial wizard, super-reliable or incredibly creative. You need to choose those skills that are not taught in universities, emphasizing your qualities as a professional. ”

Digital transformation involves all areas of life, and the ability to “make friends with a computer” is the most important skill of the five, according to Adam Miller. “Technology is not going anywhere. Now the whole world is one big technology, ”he says, emphasizing that until recently, a small department was assigned to technology in companies.
According to IFTF research, soon you will be driving teams of people, robots and bots, working together on one task. “The participation of artificial intelligence promises convenience and efficiency, but you need to know how to use such an assistant to do more and achieve what you could never have imagined before.”
“The ability to deal with technology and technology is actually equal to the ability to complete the task,” says George Bro, vice president of organizational development for Caliper , which provides personnel assessment solutions. “This concerns the knowledge of tools and the ability to apply them, as well as to figure out what solution is needed in each specific situation. There are two ways: either acquire such skills, or find people and technologies that possess what you lack. ”
Teamwork and crowdsourcing play an increasing role in the modern economy, so creating your own network of contacts becomes a necessity. “The world is changing all the time, right in front of your eyes, and your task is to think like a designer who sculpts what he needs from forms. You will have to master various ways of interaction - openly, directly, through second hands (intermediaries) or at the level of public relations and social networks, ”the IFTF study says.
“To build a career and gain financial stability in the modern world, you need to find support in the form of your own network of contacts,” said Jim Davis, assistant director of the career department at Pace University . “More than once it has been proven that this is a great way to get a new position or to move to another place.”
The sooner you start building your own network, the more roads you will have in front when you decide that it is time to take a new career step.

What is happening around you now may seem like chaos, but you need to learn how to find your way in such conditions. According to Miller, the ability to adapt to the circumstances will help to stay afloat.
“You have to accept the fact that you have to learn something new,” he says. “Moreover, you should recognize the need to develop new skills.”
“Flexibility will help you find opportunities for development,” notes Bonnie Hazhman, co-author of Leading with Vision.(Approx. Translator - not translated into Russian, not for sale in Russia) and Executive Director of Executive Development Associates, a business development consulting firm. “The best opportunity for growth may be presented by changing the role in the team or moving to a new project, and not by raising the position,” she says. “Sometimes it's worth taking a step back to learn something new, and then go up again. Career is not always a ladder, it can be a kind of spatial matrix. "

In private life, we often perceive flexibility as the ability to overcome all problems and circumstances. In business, however, flexibility will help turn difficulties into new opportunities, according to Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow, assistant professor of management and commercial law at the Kelley School of Business , Indiana.
“Those employees who have such qualities are literally priceless, because they create an atmosphere of business innovation around themselves,” she says. “Companies that refuse to transform cannot adapt to innovations, and accordingly, most often do not achieve success.”
"One of the best ways to increase flexibility is to focus on ensuring that negative things do not have a significant impact on positive opportunities in any situation," Westerhaus-Renfrow insists. “Do not forget: there is no warrior in the field,” she says. - Surround yourself with motivated people, lean on them and ask for advice. Such people tend to inspire and educate their own kind in any team. ”
“Flexibility is important for members of any profession,” adds Lasater. - Failures, difficulties and personal problems can distract and overwhelm, but people who overcome all this every time, manage great things. No one will provide direct guidance to action, success will not fall on his head from the sky. If you want to achieve something, just keep working in this direction, no matter what. ”
The skills listed in the article by Stephanie are the so-called soft skills, communication skills. Modern employee management systems that we deal with at the “Consist Business Group” allow us not only to develop these skills, but also contain a developed communicative part. These are internal social networks, discussions within the framework of Agile-projects, the possibility of collective work on the assigned tasks with fast feedback, etc.
From the point of view of enterprises, such systems allow you to systematize information. Further trend goes on behavioral analysis and analysis of all HR-information, which not only gives an idea of the current real picture, but also predictive: how to further help employees achieve the goals of the company. Those. if it becomes clear that the employee really has high potential, then it needs to be developed. But if he is not loyal to the company, then it makes no sense to invest in it additionally. He will receive knowledge and leave. HR-analytics allows you to accumulate this information and decide who is actually the future of the company.
Talent management platforms primarily enable employees to grow. First, through communication with colleagues, you can understand the direction for development. Secondly, see an alternative: choose a different direction or develop horizontally. This also includes training and courses, selected on the basis of personal preferences and skills. At the same time, employees can exchange information with each other, use materials from colleagues. All this is possible in large companies, for medium and small businesses such systems are still little applicable.
If an employee knows his business, he works a lot and works well - it can be seen in the system and in life. Well, and most importantly - sincere interest and love for their work. This is not measured by the system, but only this makes the specialist a professional.
We invite you to express your opinion on the effectiveness of talent management systems by answering the questions below or expressing your opinion in the comments.
We bring to your attention the translation of the article by Stephanie Wozza on the skills that are necessary for those who want to be in demand in the labor market in the future. We at Consist Business Group recognize the importance of the qualities described in it and support the author. We also invite you to participate in a survey on the effectiveness of talent management systems and express your opinion on the topic of the article in the comments.

The world is changing, workflows, too, and to stay on the wave, you have to add to your skills new, non-university programs. According to forecasts by leading consulting companies, from 9 to 50% of all existing professions may disappear in the next decade due to the digitization of the economy. If you want to be in demand as a professional, productive and interesting to work until retirement (and we have to work longer than our parents!), Read this article.
Consider, for sure your job responsibilities have changed over the past five years. Or your position did not even exist quite recently. According to the Institute of the Future(IFTF), a non-profit analytical center that helps companies plan for the future, jobs today and tomorrow look completely different due to the development of technology, economics, politics, environmental features.
Cornerstone, a talent management and recruiting software developer, conducted a study with IFTF, which showed what skills would be most in demand in the future. “Now there are quite a few posts that do not require any special skills, and many of these jobs will become past, being automated,” says Adam Miller, CEO of Cornerstone. “On the other hand, high-tech jobs remain vacant because people with such skills are still not enough. Regardless of whether employees recognize this, the half-life of their skills is shorter than before. ”
If you want to remain competitive in the market and follow the latest trends, you need to master five “supernaturals,” according to the IFTF.
1. Personal Brand
To be successful is to stand out, and a personal brand is useful to you, showing what you are capable of and what you want to achieve. This includes building reputation, trust and a circle of followers. “The impression you make is extremely important in order to find the perfect working atmosphere and fit into the team, and to create a sense of confidence in you among colleagues, customers and managers,” said Jennifer Lasater, vice president of staff at Purdue University Global .
Start with the simplest: analyze your profiles and activity in social networks, check the email address that you specify in the resume. “Make sure that your image matches the company to which you are going to submit your resume. You must demonstrate professionalism and dedication, ”advises Jennifer, adding that it is better to enlist the support of someone from — a trusted friend or someone whose professional expertise you have no doubt — to make sure that you make the right impression.
“Also, do not lose sight of your achievements and strengths, they should also be included in your personal brand,” - said Tammy Erickson, associate professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School. “I call them“ medals, ”she says. - These are the skills that you have collected, you will get a reputation portfolio. Perhaps you are a financial wizard, super-reliable or incredibly creative. You need to choose those skills that are not taught in universities, emphasizing your qualities as a professional. ”

2. Digital mobility
Digital transformation involves all areas of life, and the ability to “make friends with a computer” is the most important skill of the five, according to Adam Miller. “Technology is not going anywhere. Now the whole world is one big technology, ”he says, emphasizing that until recently, a small department was assigned to technology in companies.
According to IFTF research, soon you will be driving teams of people, robots and bots, working together on one task. “The participation of artificial intelligence promises convenience and efficiency, but you need to know how to use such an assistant to do more and achieve what you could never have imagined before.”
“The ability to deal with technology and technology is actually equal to the ability to complete the task,” says George Bro, vice president of organizational development for Caliper , which provides personnel assessment solutions. “This concerns the knowledge of tools and the ability to apply them, as well as to figure out what solution is needed in each specific situation. There are two ways: either acquire such skills, or find people and technologies that possess what you lack. ”
3. Creating your own "clan"
Teamwork and crowdsourcing play an increasing role in the modern economy, so creating your own network of contacts becomes a necessity. “The world is changing all the time, right in front of your eyes, and your task is to think like a designer who sculpts what he needs from forms. You will have to master various ways of interaction - openly, directly, through second hands (intermediaries) or at the level of public relations and social networks, ”the IFTF study says.
“To build a career and gain financial stability in the modern world, you need to find support in the form of your own network of contacts,” said Jim Davis, assistant director of the career department at Pace University . “More than once it has been proven that this is a great way to get a new position or to move to another place.”
The sooner you start building your own network, the more roads you will have in front when you decide that it is time to take a new career step.

4. Awareness of the new
What is happening around you now may seem like chaos, but you need to learn how to find your way in such conditions. According to Miller, the ability to adapt to the circumstances will help to stay afloat.
“You have to accept the fact that you have to learn something new,” he says. “Moreover, you should recognize the need to develop new skills.”
“Flexibility will help you find opportunities for development,” notes Bonnie Hazhman, co-author of Leading with Vision.(Approx. Translator - not translated into Russian, not for sale in Russia) and Executive Director of Executive Development Associates, a business development consulting firm. “The best opportunity for growth may be presented by changing the role in the team or moving to a new project, and not by raising the position,” she says. “Sometimes it's worth taking a step back to learn something new, and then go up again. Career is not always a ladder, it can be a kind of spatial matrix. "

5. Flexibility
In private life, we often perceive flexibility as the ability to overcome all problems and circumstances. In business, however, flexibility will help turn difficulties into new opportunities, according to Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow, assistant professor of management and commercial law at the Kelley School of Business , Indiana.
“Those employees who have such qualities are literally priceless, because they create an atmosphere of business innovation around themselves,” she says. “Companies that refuse to transform cannot adapt to innovations, and accordingly, most often do not achieve success.”
"One of the best ways to increase flexibility is to focus on ensuring that negative things do not have a significant impact on positive opportunities in any situation," Westerhaus-Renfrow insists. “Do not forget: there is no warrior in the field,” she says. - Surround yourself with motivated people, lean on them and ask for advice. Such people tend to inspire and educate their own kind in any team. ”
“Flexibility is important for members of any profession,” adds Lasater. - Failures, difficulties and personal problems can distract and overwhelm, but people who overcome all this every time, manage great things. No one will provide direct guidance to action, success will not fall on his head from the sky. If you want to achieve something, just keep working in this direction, no matter what. ”
The skills listed in the article by Stephanie are the so-called soft skills, communication skills. Modern employee management systems that we deal with at the “Consist Business Group” allow us not only to develop these skills, but also contain a developed communicative part. These are internal social networks, discussions within the framework of Agile-projects, the possibility of collective work on the assigned tasks with fast feedback, etc.
From the point of view of enterprises, such systems allow you to systematize information. Further trend goes on behavioral analysis and analysis of all HR-information, which not only gives an idea of the current real picture, but also predictive: how to further help employees achieve the goals of the company. Those. if it becomes clear that the employee really has high potential, then it needs to be developed. But if he is not loyal to the company, then it makes no sense to invest in it additionally. He will receive knowledge and leave. HR-analytics allows you to accumulate this information and decide who is actually the future of the company.
Talent management platforms primarily enable employees to grow. First, through communication with colleagues, you can understand the direction for development. Secondly, see an alternative: choose a different direction or develop horizontally. This also includes training and courses, selected on the basis of personal preferences and skills. At the same time, employees can exchange information with each other, use materials from colleagues. All this is possible in large companies, for medium and small businesses such systems are still little applicable.
If an employee knows his business, he works a lot and works well - it can be seen in the system and in life. Well, and most importantly - sincere interest and love for their work. This is not measured by the system, but only this makes the specialist a professional.
We invite you to express your opinion on the effectiveness of talent management systems by answering the questions below or expressing your opinion in the comments.
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