Ubuntu Touch ported to Galaxy S III + Canonical instructions for other devices

Ubuntu Touch Preview is a pre-release version of the operating system for tablets and smartphones from Canonical. The company introduced builds that can be installed on Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 smartphones, plus on Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets.
Craftsmen, of course, have already found out that this version of Ubuntu Touch can be installed on other devices .
So, a group of independent developers ported this operating system to the Galaxy S III smartphone. All necessary software and some instructions can be obtained here . In short, to install Ubuntu Touch Preview on Galaxy S III you need this device with an unlocked bootloader, plus ClockworkMod Recovery or TWRP.
To install the system on a smartphone, we use the specified software in order to prepare the device, and then install Ubuntu 12.10 Touch Preview with the required reboot of the device. In general, archiving personal data is a good idea in this case, since no one can guarantee a 100% successful installation (if everything is done correctly, everything will go smoothly, but even very experienced “techies” are mistaken).
Builds introduced by Canonical this week are very raw. But, in any case, you can get a clear idea of what Ubuntu Touch is, how convenient the interface is, and how to work with a phone or tablet on this OS. In addition, there are several applications, however, they are few.
It is logical that there are no applications from third-party developers yet. The guys from Canonical emphasize that the presented release is not intended for permanent work with the system, but only for acquaintance.

By the way, in addition to the release of their OS mentioned above, they just recently presented their own guide on porting Ubuntu 12.10 Touch Preview to various Android devices (including smartphones and tablets).
Installation is possible on devices with CyanogenMod 10.1, and in this case, Ubuntu Touch will support video, audio, work with graphics and communication modules. The release presented by the developers can be found here . CyanogenMod can work on many dozensAndroid devices, and Canonical developers have made it so that the user works with Ubuntu Touch through a custom version of Android, which allows you to access Ubuntu through chroot, so that the device owner gets the Ubuntu interface instead of the Android UI.
It is likely that the newcomer will not master porting Ubuntu to an Android device, but a more or less advanced user is quite capable of performing a number of actions necessary for this.
via xda-developers