Search for audio and video on your site
We opened an affiliate search on the project .
Now you can install the search widget on your website.
API documentation is still in development, but rummaging in the code you can build an interesting mashap now;).
Examples of how the search might look:
Installation is quite simple:
1. Register and get the key
2. Copy the code to your website
3. Set up (it’s still difficult without documentation;)
We welcome comments and suggestions;)
Now you can install the search widget on your website.
API documentation is still in development, but rummaging in the code you can build an interesting mashap now;).
Examples of how the search might look:
Installation is quite simple:
1. Register and get the key
2. Copy the code to your website
3. Set up (it’s still difficult without documentation;)
We welcome comments and suggestions;)