Generalization of the experience of three stages
Thanks to the readers of previous articles for your interest. Thanks to your motivation, I still dared to continue this topic. So.
In the first three issues, I wrote about trips and survival trips. At the end of the articles I cited the experience gained in these trips.
Now, as promised, I am writing a generalized article in which I will combine the experience of three trips for survival. What is listed here is those things and entities that people (not me alone) have come to under extreme minimalism.
The knife is a very important thingfor survival. If you have a knife - the probability of salvation increases many times. Everything is done with a knife - it cuts, cuts, digs, hunts, eats, grinds, etc. I have long researched the question of what should be a knife for survival. I checked my knowledge on campaigns, in fact. And he came to this conclusion: the knife should be awkward, of medium size, as simple and reliable as possible. Forget about garbage with all sorts of personal belongings in the handle, these knives crumble into pieces even during ordinary field operation.
Foodfor the normal functioning of the body, you need much less than what we are used to eating. Wildlife can really provide a lot, especially in summer and autumn. In the city we eat really more than the body needs. And in general, one should think about food in an extreme situation last. If there is nothing, then the feeling of hunger completely disappears on the second or third day. Without food, a person is able to act for 2-3 weeks.
Explore edible and inedible plants, berries, herbs and other gifts of nature in the area where you have to survive. As a rule, there is a lot of food in nature, you just need to know where to look for it.
Polyethylene is a very useful item.for survival. Polyethylene will protect you from rain and wind if you wrap yourself in it. It lets in the heat of the fire and does not release warm air. It can be used to collect rainwater or dew. Transparent polyethylene can make a solar desalination plant.
A few small bonfires are better than one big one. Similar statements are often found in the literature on survival, but they are mostly not paid attention to. I responsibly affirm that this is very useful advice. If you are alone, make at least 2 bonfires.
Hammock.The hammock has several advantages: it can replace a karemat, and at the same time it takes up much less space. The hammock is less likely to be caught by all kinds of crawling reptiles, such as snakes, spiders, rats, ants, scalapendras, langoliers, etc. Being suspended at a height of 3-4 meters, a hammock will protect you already from many large predators. You can spend the night in a hammock and be warmed with two small bonfires on the sides at a distance of about one and a half meters. At the same time, firewood is stacked directly under the hammock so that maintaining a fire does not force you to get out of it. The entire lower surface of the hammock is warmed by the heat of bonfires, and it’s very comfortable to sleep. But you need to be sure that the firewood under you will not light up, otherwise you will not be up to the cold.
Duty.Without night duty, no one can rest. The fire will go out, and everyone will wake up from the cold. It is recommended to break up all night into 3-4 stages for 2-3 hours. Time passes quickly. The attendant manages to dry all his things around the fire. Watching a bonfire in the stillness of the night is a great reassurance. Maintaining the fire evenly, the attendant provides a calm, warm sleep to everyone else. And everyone is calmer to sleep, knowing that you will not catch fire, because someone is following this. Also, the duty officer monitors all kinds of dangers and, if necessary, can promptly wake everyone up.
If you have a supply of food - take care of the inaccessibility of wild animals to it. Hang on a rope or entrust security to the person on duty. Do not keep food with you if you are going to sleep - rats, mice, ants, dogs, etc. will not stop the fact of your still presence.
Relaxation. Fatigue and distraction are very bad in conditions when it is necessary to make important decisions. With true survival, this can be vital. Therefore, rest and comfort is not arrogance, not a manifestation of weakness, but a necessary means of maintaining clarity of thought and the ability to make adequate decisions. If possible - relax and take care of comfort.
Flint.A great firebreaking tool. The bottom line is simple - with a knife at an angle of 45 degrees you make intensive movements along the flint rod, at the end of the trajectory you will have, depending on the skill, from a bunch of sparks to a real small short-term flame. The only minus is some damage to the knife blade. Instead of a knife, you can quite successfully use the reverse side of the blade or the sharp edge of a broken stone. The method is very good, perhaps the most direct and effective of all available. Flint is not afraid of mechanical damage, takes up little space and is durable in service. However, some types of flint from the water are covered with a thin layer of oxide, which means that for long-term storage the flint should be hermetically packed.
The priority of life-critical entities is as follows:
1 - Water. Without water, you can’t act in 2-3 days and die in 5-7 days.
2 - Shelter. If the conditions are severe, then without shelter from the cold and wind you will lose strength very quickly.
3 - Fire. Keeping warm is just as important as finding shelter. Also, on a fire you have to boil water, so as not to poison and cook food. Therefore, it is important to learn how to quickly make a fire.
These items may change places depending on the circumstances. Everything else is optional and depends on the situation, but if you have these 3 entities, then you are almost saved.
In the first three issues, I wrote about trips and survival trips. At the end of the articles I cited the experience gained in these trips.
Now, as promised, I am writing a generalized article in which I will combine the experience of three trips for survival. What is listed here is those things and entities that people (not me alone) have come to under extreme minimalism.
The knife is a very important thingfor survival. If you have a knife - the probability of salvation increases many times. Everything is done with a knife - it cuts, cuts, digs, hunts, eats, grinds, etc. I have long researched the question of what should be a knife for survival. I checked my knowledge on campaigns, in fact. And he came to this conclusion: the knife should be awkward, of medium size, as simple and reliable as possible. Forget about garbage with all sorts of personal belongings in the handle, these knives crumble into pieces even during ordinary field operation.
Foodfor the normal functioning of the body, you need much less than what we are used to eating. Wildlife can really provide a lot, especially in summer and autumn. In the city we eat really more than the body needs. And in general, one should think about food in an extreme situation last. If there is nothing, then the feeling of hunger completely disappears on the second or third day. Without food, a person is able to act for 2-3 weeks.
Explore edible and inedible plants, berries, herbs and other gifts of nature in the area where you have to survive. As a rule, there is a lot of food in nature, you just need to know where to look for it.
Polyethylene is a very useful item.for survival. Polyethylene will protect you from rain and wind if you wrap yourself in it. It lets in the heat of the fire and does not release warm air. It can be used to collect rainwater or dew. Transparent polyethylene can make a solar desalination plant.
A few small bonfires are better than one big one. Similar statements are often found in the literature on survival, but they are mostly not paid attention to. I responsibly affirm that this is very useful advice. If you are alone, make at least 2 bonfires.
Hammock.The hammock has several advantages: it can replace a karemat, and at the same time it takes up much less space. The hammock is less likely to be caught by all kinds of crawling reptiles, such as snakes, spiders, rats, ants, scalapendras, langoliers, etc. Being suspended at a height of 3-4 meters, a hammock will protect you already from many large predators. You can spend the night in a hammock and be warmed with two small bonfires on the sides at a distance of about one and a half meters. At the same time, firewood is stacked directly under the hammock so that maintaining a fire does not force you to get out of it. The entire lower surface of the hammock is warmed by the heat of bonfires, and it’s very comfortable to sleep. But you need to be sure that the firewood under you will not light up, otherwise you will not be up to the cold.
Duty.Without night duty, no one can rest. The fire will go out, and everyone will wake up from the cold. It is recommended to break up all night into 3-4 stages for 2-3 hours. Time passes quickly. The attendant manages to dry all his things around the fire. Watching a bonfire in the stillness of the night is a great reassurance. Maintaining the fire evenly, the attendant provides a calm, warm sleep to everyone else. And everyone is calmer to sleep, knowing that you will not catch fire, because someone is following this. Also, the duty officer monitors all kinds of dangers and, if necessary, can promptly wake everyone up.
If you have a supply of food - take care of the inaccessibility of wild animals to it. Hang on a rope or entrust security to the person on duty. Do not keep food with you if you are going to sleep - rats, mice, ants, dogs, etc. will not stop the fact of your still presence.
Relaxation. Fatigue and distraction are very bad in conditions when it is necessary to make important decisions. With true survival, this can be vital. Therefore, rest and comfort is not arrogance, not a manifestation of weakness, but a necessary means of maintaining clarity of thought and the ability to make adequate decisions. If possible - relax and take care of comfort.
Flint.A great firebreaking tool. The bottom line is simple - with a knife at an angle of 45 degrees you make intensive movements along the flint rod, at the end of the trajectory you will have, depending on the skill, from a bunch of sparks to a real small short-term flame. The only minus is some damage to the knife blade. Instead of a knife, you can quite successfully use the reverse side of the blade or the sharp edge of a broken stone. The method is very good, perhaps the most direct and effective of all available. Flint is not afraid of mechanical damage, takes up little space and is durable in service. However, some types of flint from the water are covered with a thin layer of oxide, which means that for long-term storage the flint should be hermetically packed.
The priority of life-critical entities is as follows:
1 - Water. Without water, you can’t act in 2-3 days and die in 5-7 days.
2 - Shelter. If the conditions are severe, then without shelter from the cold and wind you will lose strength very quickly.
3 - Fire. Keeping warm is just as important as finding shelter. Also, on a fire you have to boil water, so as not to poison and cook food. Therefore, it is important to learn how to quickly make a fire.
These items may change places depending on the circumstances. Everything else is optional and depends on the situation, but if you have these 3 entities, then you are almost saved.