How to kill Lenovo G580 in one hit

    Remember the recent EFI bug on the Samsung 530U3C that caused the laptop to no longer work after a one-time ubuntu boot?

    Meet EFI on the Lenovo G580!

    So, on New Year's Eve and holiday sales, Adiost bought Lenovo G580 with FreeDOS, demolished it and installed Ubuntu. After some time I wanted to install-look at Windows 8. During this, I discovered that I could not enter the EFI settings by pressing the F2 button: simply nothing happened and the OS started to load. Having spat on it, installed Windows 8, and began to repair.

    At first I loaded Google. There are a lot of such symptoms . Even on a habrIt was. Unfortunately, none of the whole two methods helped. From under Windows, NVRAM did not change, and all Linux distributions were loaded in BIOS emulation mode, because at EFI, she was chosen first.

    A little information: EFI NVRAM can neither be read nor changed from under the OS loaded in BIOS mode. Therefore, it was necessary to somehow start the OS through EFI. To do this, ArchLinux was installed on a USB flash drive with GPT and GRUB2 as an EFI bootloader. So, ArchLinux is loaded in EFI, fine, we run efibootmgr, and ... empty. There is not a single EFI point, although when choosing a boot device there is a certain “ubuntu” item, and this should be exactly the item added to NVRAM. When trying to delete a “random” entry number 0000, the boot point changed its name from ubuntu to Linux.

    Adiostadded an empty item and rebooted. The laptop has forgotten how to display the boot menu, stopped loading at all from anything without any errors. Just POST and that's it, the ever-empty screen, sad but true.

    Because of what, efibootmgr returned an empty result - it is not clear, but I can assume why it happened with the EFI configuration. The fact is that, apparently, on many Lenovo laptops in NVRAM not only OS loading points are stored, but in general all points.
    Here is what efibootmgr produces on my X220:
    BootCurrent: 0009
    Timeout: 0 seconds
    BootOrder: 0019,0009,000A,0006,000C,0007,0008,000B,000D,000E,000F,0010,0011,0012,0013
    Boot0000  Setup
    Boot0001  Boot Menu
    Boot0002  Diagnostic Splash Screen
    Boot0003  Startup Interrupt Menu
    Boot0004  ME Configuration Menu
    Boot0005  Rescue and Recovery
    Boot0006* USB CD
    Boot0007* USB FDD
    Boot0008* ATAPI CD0
    Boot0009* ATA HDD2
    Boot000A* ATA HDD0
    Boot000B* ATA HDD1
    Boot000C* USB HDD
    Boot000D* PCI LAN
    Boot000E* ATAPI CD1
    Boot000F* ATAPI CD2
    Boot0010  Other CD
    Boot0011* ATA HDD3
    Boot0012* ATA HDD4
    Boot0013  Other HDD
    Boot0014* IDER BOOT CDROM
    Boot0015* IDER BOOT Floppy
    Boot0016* ATA HDD
    Boot0017* ATAPI CD:
    Boot0018* PCI LAN
    Boot0019* arch_grub

    In all likelihood, Ubuntu rewrote the Boot0000 item, which is Setup. I tried to remove it from myself, and, fortunately, it was recreated when the laptop rebooted, but I did not try to overwrite it with a new one.

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