Sit vs stand: how to work better?

Yesterday I came across an interesting article from the founder of JotForm about which way of working is healthier. I post an adapted translation of the text and comments that I liked.


While working, you suddenly feel that someone is watching you. You ignore the look - the work is more important, but at some point the desire to find out who is looking at you becomes irresistible. You take your eyes off the screen and see Susan, graceful Susan from the accounting department at the new stylish standing desk.

You feel like a little animal from the zoo, which has already been watched for 15 minutes, and all you want to say is: “What do you want?”. Susan holds her gaze, shakes her head sadly and continues to work on.

The situation is alarming to you, you are leaning back in your chair to reflect for a moment on what is actually happening, and it dawns on you - you are sitting .

A quick look at the WebMD medical reference application confirms the fears: at any moment you can drop dead right here in the middle of the office, although you don’t even have 32. That very evening you thoroughly investigate the need for a desk to work while standing .

"Oh, you have not heard? Sitting is a new smoking ... "

Raise your hand if you are tired of hearing the fearful phrase “Sitting is new smoking?”.

Perhaps you are sick of feeling that you must meet with a dark angel from minute to minute because you have not spent your entire salary on a fashionable hydraulic soaring hydro-cooled adjustable table for standing work?

I'm not sure that sitting is the cause of 101 dangerous diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

Thanks to the research that sedentary work is detrimental to health, the tables for work standing up shattered like hot cakes. Hot cakes are an ironic comparison, because they can be the cause of the development of type 2 diabetes.

In addition to the “pirozhkovy” argument cite a study of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. They observed 5,000 people for 13 years and found absolutely no correlation between a sedentary lifestyle and the development of dangerous diseases such as diabetes.

However, a Google search can panic even the most stress-resistant people. But do not panic, I bring a new argument to the argument about the right tables - standing up has no less negative health effects than sitting up.

Why standing up work cannot be a panacea

Perhaps standing standing was recognized as a panacea after the study , which shocked a bold conclusion:
Sitting for three hours a day caused 430,000 people to die in 54 countries .

This is where the solution appeared - an adjustable desk for standing work. Everything looks logical and a bit simplified: people die if they work sitting three hours a day. Then let them work standing the remaining five hours of the day.

However, a new study appeared : Standing for only two hours a day results in edema in the legs, discomfort, and a decrease in cognitive function. All of this has a negative effect on overall productivity.

As a result, we have to choose between the risks of sitting and standing.What do you choose?

Take your time with the answer, there is something else. This study states that prolonged standing increases the risk of heart disease due to stagnant blood in the legs and an increase in pressure in the veins. This is alarming, especially given the fact that every year more than 630 thousand people die from heart disease in the USA .

So, our decision to never sit and die or stand, but not to be productive ... it would be more correct to choose between sitting and dying or standing and dying ...

Perhaps we better just focus on good work and a healthy life.

I am not a doctor, but I suspect that the whole HYIP is simply inflated around the adjustable tables for standing work. 110 people work at my company JotForm, and everyone can choose a regular desk or for standing work. The world is not black and white. We should not be categorical: to abandon one or another solution, as soon as a new study comes out with opposite conclusions.

We can maintain a balance in everything: work and sit and stand. And also stick to a diet, engage in physical activity and just improve your lifestyle. Instead of squabbling which table is better, make some simple changes in your life:

1. Walk 30 minutes a day- if you cut the lunch break in half to walk the second half of the time, then reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stabilize blood pressure. In addition, become more attentive, improve memory and general well-being.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day - when you drink enough water, you lower the risk of hypertension, strengthen the immune system and more effectively fight colds.

3. Eat less fried - harmful food leads to unpleasant consequences that are closely associated with a sedentary lifestyle: heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Choose healthy foods and you will feel better anyway.

4. Practice daily- I started to play sports to improve overall health and increase energy - I wanted to become the best employees of JotForm. Soon I noticed that it became easier for me to concentrate. Motivation and mood increased significantly. Regular exercise also reduces the risk of a sedentary lifestyle.

Selected comments:

Tey Tagiyev
There are still negative changes from long work both sitting and standing. This is “shallow breathing” when there is not enough oxygen in the lungs and loss of flexibility, muscle atrophy. It’s best to move regularly in the office or at home. If you are standing, shift from one foot to the other. If you work sitting and space is not limited, sit in a yoga pose. Control the time of continuous work to keep your body muscles in good shape.

Focus blue
I don’t care what the research says ... If you don’t have a chair for me, I don’t work for you.

Benek Lisefski
I stand 50-75% of the day. The table, adjustable in height, was for me the best purchase. When I sat, I had constant pains in the neck, shoulders and back. After I began to work while standing, the pain disappeared. Therefore, my love for the table is not based on the fear of diabetes, I just think that the table is a great solution for maintaining health. But everything should be in moderation. I never stand all day.

Seriously, people are looking for tiny details, hoping that they will miraculously improve their health, but they do not practice what is actually useful: physical activity, proper nutrition, meditation, etc.

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is also a myth. There is no scientific evidence to confirm this ... Do what suits you. If instead of 8 glasses, you drink 4, it will not kill you.

Christoph Obarsky
I couldn't help but post it here.

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