In the wake of New Year's corporate parties

    So the fleeting winter holidays ended, and the winter did not end. And, until it is time for a special, spring, I want to recall the holidays spent among colleagues. I’ll start the story from the previous year, so as not to go into the historical jungle, and create some idea of ​​the established traditions.

    We spent the New Year corporate party 2011 in the “Aura” hall of the RK “Boomerang”. What would be more fun, we decided to make our New Year's Eve a costume, and whoever was very dressed up at that was dressed up, although some connection with the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” was supposed.

    The program of presenters with contests and assignments, performances by creative groups - all this turned out to be interesting: there was an opportunity to think about it with my head and there was nothing to please the eye with.

    But we guys themselves are not a miss (which, of course, is noticeable to the naked eye) and at the end of the prepared program we did not crawl into the corners to finish the gala dinner. The fun continued for a long time, we held the dance marathon with a bang!

    The holidays that year also passed quickly, and he himself flew, frankly, without brakes! And again the winter holidays crept up.

    Here is the new year on the doorstep! New plans, hopes, dreams. And again we have a corporate party! This time, the recently opened Appelbar was chosen as the venue for the event. A beautiful room, delicious food and drinks, and, of course, costumes to create and maintain a festive mood. The theme of the party is “New Year’s scam” (based on the movie “Thomas Crowne Scam”), and at the appointed time, our scammers of various kinds and sizes filled in with the performance of our Appelbar employees.

    At the end of 2012, we conducted a survey among employees, which showed that many of us would like to know the current state of affairs in the company. Upon learning about this, we tried and prepared a report for the guys on the work done over the year, where the heads of the departments talked about the work of their departments, and we learned in numbers, percentages and shares how the company is developing, what we have in the present and what plans and goals in the future.

    At the party, we finished the game in Secret Santa, and everyone who took part in it received their New Year's gift!

    The holiday, as usual, lasted until the "last survivor", and the very next day we met again to continue work.

    And also, the company has its own Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who wish the children of employees a happy new year! For the umpteenth time, in a sleigh of two hundred and fifty reindeer forces, they fly along the roads of Irkutsk and its environs, listen to poems, songs, etc., carefully prepared by the children, and present gifts to all the girls and boys that behaved well in the past year.

    Then most of us set off again for a great vacation, to rest and gather our strength for further accomplishments.

    It seems like recently all this was, but the rays of the still spring sun are already joyfully warming pale organisms through the glass window with the first signs of avitominosis. Not that I love winter, let alone New Year's bustle, but it's nice to remember.

    And it's good that spring is coming!

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