Evenings at Gamersweb.ru - A podcast about games, movies, books, and more

    Good afternoon, dear reader!

    The Evenings podcast on Gamersweb.ru is a podcast about everything in the world, but first of all, of course, about games. Every Sunday, Nikita Sergeyevich invites several guests to his place, where they talk about the most interesting topics that have recently touched on them with tea and buns.

    Guests of the issue: Dmitry Didenko , host of the 35mm podcast on Gamersweb.ru , novice radio host geek Pavel Gorokhovsky, as well as Alexander Sedykh, podcast and ideologist of the Podgames and Gamersweb projects!

    Listen, download and comment on the issue!


    • About the approach of the New Year and how to create a New Year mood for yourself;
    • About the insanity in games in general and in the tropical shooter Far Cry 3 in particular;
    • On the pros and cons of the ambiguous, but very interesting large-scale multiplayer shooter Planetside 2;
    • About the truly New Year's cartoon “Keepers of Dreams” and about how such cartoons are useful for the younger generation;
    • We also recall the most interesting gift sets for games (and not only) that we have ever met.

    On our site you can find news, blogs and podcasts on gaming and IT topics! If you want to quickly find out all the latest news, then be sure to join us on VKontakte and Twitter .

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