Tariff with access only to MSK-IX, DataIX, W-IX or how to unload your European servers

    For a long time, many of our customers or potential customers have been asking "can you connect a server only with traffic in MSK-IX?" or "how much will it cost if I pour traffic only on MSK-IX? Will it be cheaper? ”, But then we didn’t have such a tariff. Yes, and there was no technical possibility. And now, a couple of weeks ago, we finally launched a tariff with access only to the MSK-IX, W-IX and DataIX networks. We would like to talk about the technical details and advantages of the new tariff in this article.

    Whoever is interested only in facts, can read about the benefits, and then decide for himself to read or not the rest of the article.

    Immediately make a reservation that the M9 is a reinforced concrete building. And MSK-IX is a distributed traffic exchange network in Moscow. Many confuse these concepts.


    The cheapest traffic in Russia

    Traffic at this tariff is cheaper even than traffic to MSK-IX - from 6500 rubles per 1 Gbit / s. It is worth remembering that we offer only guaranteed bands. Of course, in the Russian market you can find offers of 5000 rubles per gigabit port, but it is unlikely that these data centers will constantly occupy a gigabit port during peak hours every day.

    Unloading existing resources

    By removing the load from current servers with access to the entire Internet, for example, where traffic costs 25,000 rubles per 1 Gbit / s, you can significantly optimize the costs: you can add load to free servers without upgrading the bandwidth.

    Improving connectivity to traffic consumers in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other countries

    About 50% of Russian users and a certain proportion of users of operators in neighboring countries are available at this rate. Operators, as a rule, try to expand peer-to-peer joints (which are also connections to MSK-IX, W-IX and DataIX) on time and keep them unloaded, since these lines are the cheapest and most often several times cheaper than buying traffic from large operators. As a result, it’s more profitable for end operators to receive traffic through peer-to-peer communications rather than to receive this traffic, for example, from Europe.

    DDoS Protection

    The community of operators connected to the "exchangers" is always in touch - their technical contacts are always in the lists of participants on the sites of traffic exchange points. Catching the source of DDoS in this case is not a problem. It is quickly detected and eliminated. Even now during DDoS, spurious traffic coming from traffic exchange points in Russia makes up less than 5% of the total attack volume. Also, due to the unavailability of IP addresses used on this tariff plan throughout the rest of the Internet, they are not visible from, for example, India, Pakistan and other countries, which usually appear in cyber-news bulletins about closing another botnet used in distributed attacks .

    Now details

    Firstly, it is technically impossible to connect the server directly to the MSK-IX network. IX allocates non-routable IP addresses to the participants of the connection, that is, they are not visible on the Internet, and also requires the participants to connect to IX, the presence of an autonomous system (AS) and their own block of IP addresses. So to connect to MSK-IX, you will need to get your own router with an AS and a network of addresses, but only already connect your server to it. The same applies to other traffic exchange points - DataIX and W-IX.

    Why do customers so often ask us about the possibility of such a connection? This is very beneficial: a guaranteed gigabit port in Moscow data centers can currently be bought for 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. MSK-IX has gigabits more expensive, but everything changes when you need several gigabits - the 10Gbps port will cost 101 244 rubles for MSK-IX. That is a little more than 10 000 rubles in terms of 1 Gbit / s. Yes, of course, this is not the entire Internet, but only about 50% of Runet users, but it is several times cheaper than just buying gigabits in a data center.

    In Ukraine, data centers have long existed very cheap tariffs with access only to UA-IX. After upgrading our network, we also got the technical ability to provide only access on the MSK-IX, DataIX and W-IX networks. This is implemented by a separate routing table on our routers that do not get IP-networks from the global Internet. This immediately dismisses the user’s question “what will happen if my traffic goes not only to MSK-IX, but also to other networks? How much will I overpay? ” This is not possible: IP addresses at this tariff are simply inaccessible from the global Internet, so traffic does not go to them.

    Our tariff was even cheaper than MSK-IX: we offer a 1Gbps port with a guaranteed unlimited 1Gbps band for 7,200 rubles a month, a 10Gbps port with a guaranteed bandwidth of the same speed - 65,000 rubles a month. In terms of 1 Gbit / s, 6,500 rubles come out. How are the prices cheaper than the original source (MSK-IX)? We have a lot of direct peer-to-peer connections into which traffic merges. In general, the logic of traffic distribution at this tariff looks something like this: traffic is evenly distributed over direct peer-to-peer connections, then traffic is evenly distributed between the DataIX and W-IX exchangers, and all the remaining traffic that did not go to the above connections goes to MSK- IX. Uniformity in this case is determined by the shortest traffic path. Distributing traffic over direct connections is much better than pouring it into MSK-IX, if only because we can control the loading of operator connections and forward traffic from overloaded connections until we receive user complaints. When sending traffic to MSK-IX, we see the loading of our port, but we can’t see the loading of ports of other operators and, accordingly, can’t do anything if the operator has a busy port and there are losses or delays on it. In such cases, we take measures after reasoned complaints from users. but we can’t see the loading of ports of other operators and, accordingly, can’t do anything if the operator has a busy port and there are losses or delays on it. In such cases, we take measures after reasoned complaints from users. but we can’t see the loading of ports of other operators and, accordingly, can’t do anything if the operator has a busy port and there are losses or delays on it. In such cases, we take measures after reasoned complaints from users.

    In fact, the price of our tariff is based on the depreciation of the port where our client is included, the cost of transporting user traffic on our network and transport reservation. A certain percentage of traffic goes to MSK-IX itself - it is also calculated in our price.

    From the route servers of MSK-IX, we now receive a little more than 15,000 IPv4 routes. Add routes from DataIX, from W-IX clients and our direct peerings here. As a result, in our table of routes available at this tariff, there are currently a little more than 19,000 IPv4 prefixes. Why more than MSK-IX? Because not all operators present on DataIX and W-IX are on MSK-IX. A list of available networks, by the way, we also provide customers. If anyone is interested, a link to it is at the end of the article. We excluded from it all networks shorter than / 24, since they are usually aggregated into larger networks.

    But let's imagine with you that there is a technical possibility to connect the server directly to the "exchangers". We calculated the difference in the cost of connecting directly to MSK-IX and connecting to MultiBytes. The graphs below show the monthly cost of the port 1 Gbit / s and 10 Gbit / s in terms of 1 port.

    The cost of one port 1 Gbit / s when buying 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ports

    The cost of one port 10 Gbit / s when buying 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ports

    For calculations, we took the cost of ports from the MSK-IX website, added to him 18% VAT and multiplied U.E. for the rate set on the site (28.6 rubles for 1 CU), that is, now our prices with MSK-IX are reduced to a common denominator.

    The difference in the cost of 1 Gbit / s ports, of course, is amazing. But even on 10Gbit / s ports it is clear that the monthly savings when renting one port will amount to 36,244 rubles. If we talk about 5 ports, then saving as much as 20,044 rubles for each port (in total for all 5 ports more than 100,000 rubles).

    The only important technical limitation that exists on this tariff: it is available only in our data centers and only on our IP addresses, nor do we raise BGP sessions with clients at this tariff.

    For those who are not sure that they can somehow remove traffic from their current servers, as well as for those who are afraid to buy a pig in a poke, we have prepared several test servers with SSD and gigabit connections with access only to the exchange points of MSK traffic IX, W-IX, and DataIX. Contact me directly on Habré, or call the office during business hours and ask me to get a test server for several days. Given the possible habraeffect, I do not rule out the formation of a queue, but we will try to satisfy everyone.

    In order not to be unfounded, we asked HighLoad.biz , one of our first customers, who tested the new service, to comment on this article .
    Andrey Vasilishin, representative of HighLoad:
    We have been outsourcing highly loaded resources for 5 years, we provide clients with rental and server administration for pseudo flv and mp4 streaming.

    This year, for a number of reasons, they decided to develop CDN solutions. The first reason is cheaper traffic, the second is to bring content closer to the user. This spring, we began to separate the global traffic from the traffic passing through the exchange points UA-IX and Dtel-IX. This solution helped our large customers who are oriented to the CIS to save about 25% of traffic.

    The second step was a proposal from Mnogobyte to host servers connected to MSK-IX, Data-IX and W-IX. The main target audience of our customers' content consumers is located in Russia, and a significant share of traffic passes through these points of exchange. The result of the server for the first week is visible in the graph below.

    As expected, approximately 35% of the traffic was spent on this server. During the week of using the ManyByte services, we improved the quality of communication to content consumers and unloaded our servers with world traffic. Saving on the purchase of traffic is obvious!

    We asked for comments about our new tariff from the representatives of the "exchangers":

    Alexander Slivker, Commercial Director DataIX:
    About 85% of the participants in the distributed Russian DataIX traffic exchange network are broadband operators. The remaining participants in the exchange are content providers. Getting traffic through traffic exchange points is much cheaper than buying it from large telecom operators. Broadband providers are well aware of this. By connecting to DataIX, they optimize their costs and improve connectivity to the largest Russian content generators.

    The appearance of such an interesting tariff at MnogoByte, we hope, will contribute to the development of broadband operators in Russia by localizing traffic within the country. And we, the DataIX team, will continue to develop our network to deliver this traffic to consumers not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Kiev, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, but also in other regions.

    Vasily Maslovsky, General Director of Aikhome LLC, CEO W-ix:
    We are sincerely glad that now such a tariff is available to customers of MnogoByte The new tariff will not only save money for MnogoByte customers, but also provide direct access to popular content at maximum speed using the W-ix peering infrastructure in 21 cities of the Russian Federation and 8 cities of the World. This was made possible thanks to the development of W-ix and Multi-Byte collaboration.

    The W-ix geographically distributed peering unites more than 100 telecom operators and content providers in Russia and Ukraine, and also provides access to the 6 largest peerings in Europe and the USA. Most peers of the Internet are already available to peers (about 265,000 IPv4 prefixes) via the shortest route. W-ix has points of presence in cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Kursk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov, Cheboksary, Ufa, Perm, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Kiev, Frankfurt am Main, Stockholm, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Ashburn and New York. We provide customers of MnogoByte with access to our peer-to-peer participants in the above cities with minimal delays.

    Useful links for this article:
    Official site of the Unified Distributed Russian Internet Exchange DataIX
    Official site of the International peering W-ix
    Official site of the Moscow Internet Exchange MSK-IX
    List of IPv4 prefixes available on the tariff “Only with access to MSK-IX, DataIX and W- clients IX "

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