The girl, accused of killing her daughter, was searching on Google for “one hundred percent strangulation”

    The death of two-year-old Kaylee became the main topic of American media in 2011, when the country watched her mother's casey Anthony attempt to mislead law enforcement and she was still found not guilty. Kaylee went missing on June 16, 2011, and her body was found only on December 11. Her mother’s defense claimed that Kaylee drowned, and despite the fact that Casey Anthony was found guilty of four times providing false information to the police, she was found not guilty of the murder.

    However, last week, the local television station WKMG reported that the police took to key evidence, writesTechCrunch. Someone entered into Google a request of “100% strangulation” (foolproof suffocation) from the computer of the Anthony family on June 16 - the day Kaylee disappeared. Initially, it was suggested that Casey's father could enter the search, but then it turned out that the search was made an hour after he went to work, and that most likely Casey herself entered the search.

    A jury trial might not justify Casey Anthony if she knew that she was looking for "one hundred percent strangulation" on the last day when Kaylee was seen alive. This is the last example where a Google search history can be a proof in a criminal case. But this time, digital tracks were discovered too late, and the suspect is already at large.

    Previously, Google’s search history was already used in evidence of crimes. In 2005, Mac developer Robert Petrik was convicted of killing his wife when it was discovered that he was googling “neck snap break”, uploaded a document called “22 ways to kill a man with” your bare hands) and explored how deep the lake was, where his wife’s body was later found.

    In 2006, Justin Barber was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife on the beach. Previously, he searched for “Florida and divorce” (Florida & divorce), as well as the words trauma, shot and the right side of the chest (trauma, gunshot, right chest). He also downloaded and then deleted the song Guns N 'Roses “Used To Love Her”, which sings “I used to love her, but I had to kill her”.

    Until now, the history of a Google search on a computer for the Anthony family has not been studied well enough. It seems that detectives and police may find it useful not only to take typos and DNA samples, but also to work with digital evidence. And soon it will be possible to expect the appearance of a mobile search history and other evidence from smartphones in criminal case files. However, law enforcement agencies should be careful not to unreasonably violate people's privacy.

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