Jolla will introduce the heir to MeeGo live November 21-22

    Finnish startup Jolla, created by members of the team that developed the Nokia MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan for the N9 smartphone, will soon introduce the world to its new OS, called Sailfish. This will happen on the main stage of the Slush conference , which will be held November 21-22, 2012 in Helsinki. They promise a live broadcast of this event, as well as the ability to download videos for viewing at a convenient time.
    Schedule (Moscow time)
    November 21:
    • 13:15 - 14:00, Main Stage: Sailfish OS presentation
    • 19:00 - 20:00, Event Stage: Demonstration of UI Sailfish OS

    November 22:
    • 12:00 - 13:15, Event Stage: Presentation of the SDK for development under Sailfish OS

    Interestingly, Anssi Vanjoki, who promoted MeeGo at pre-Elop Nokia, will speak at the same conference. Now he heads another Nokia “shard” - Vertu. Earlier, he said that he had nothing to do with Jolla. I hope that he will not fail to take the opportunity to establish such a connection.
    Also on Slush there will be several famous participants from Russia, such as Yandex, Rutube and Skolkovo. The full program can be viewed here .

    UPD: Viewing requires Silverlight 4, so there will be problems under Linux. Jolla promised to make every effort to rectify the situation.
    Here the elections of the best Finnish startup are held. Until recently, Jolla was the leader, but Supercell added a lot yesterday., and now bypasses Jolla almost twice.
    The design used a frame from the video " Gulp ".

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