Announcement of mobile mitap: What to do when the application has become large?

    Format The
    event will be held in a round table format

    What are we going to talk about
    • What is the difference between a large application and a small one?
    • How does the code base and processes change?
    • How to catch that moment when you need to change something?

    The list of participants
    Leading experts of the field will give answers to these and many other questions:

    Denis Neklyudov
    Smiley face

    90Seconds Singapore, Android developer
    Permanent lead podcast. He loves to solve the problems of scaling mobile applications development

    Alexander Blinov
    Smiley face

    HeadHunter, Head of Android practice Practices
    architecture, infrastructure, processes and everything that can be customized, zatyunit and scale

    Alexander Efremenkov
    Smiley face

    Yandex, Developer Yandex.Taxi
    Writes code,
    looks at Android

    Anton Dudakov
    Smiley face

    Yandex, Android developer in Yandex Auto
    Manages the development of Yandex Auto, a project that includes a whole set of applications interacting with each other

    Evgeny Suvorov
    Smiley face

    Avito, Head of the Mobile Architecture unit development
    He came to Avito in 2014. Since then, the development department has grown several times. Now he works in the mobile architecture team: he makes tools for developers, looks after the quality of the code base and scales!

    Anton Puhnonin
    Smiley face

    Cyan, Android-developer
    For a long time he worked in the Alfa-Bank team. He took an active part in scaling the team, which for 3 years has grown from 2 to 24 Android developers.

    Meeting program

    • 18-30 Collection of guests
    • 19-00 Round table
    • 20-00 Coffee break
    • 20-15 Continuation of the Round Table
    • 22-30 Making fun in the pub


    The meeting will take place on July 27 at 18-30 at the address: Art. M. Alekseevskaya, st. Godovikov 9 p.4. Business Center Caliber. The event will be held in coworking on the territory of Caliber. The promotional staff in red T-shirts will help you navigate.

    The registration for the event is closed.

    To view, select one of the following options:

    Record the broadcast on Facecast .

    Record broadcast in Facebook .

    Record broadcast on Youtube .

    You can discuss the meeting in the Telegram channel Android Dev Podcast .

    An audio track will then also be available for regular podcast listeners.

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