And what do you know about high loads: part two

    The first pancake is far from always lumpy. The HPC High Load Conference we organized in August was a great success, so we continue to host such events.

    On October 6, an HPC conference will be held as part of the BitByte IT Professional Development Festival .

    The following performances are planned in the program :

    Sergey Averin (Heck), Badoo - “Badoo Desktop: optimizing applications for a million users online”
    Andrey Sas (Uni), Badoo - “How to send 100M letters every day”
    Daniil Pavlyuchkov, ITmozg - “MongoDB optimization - DO's and DON'Ts ”
    Dmitry Smirnov, Photo Country -“ Project Architecture for 30M Users ”
    Dmitry Kazakov, Mail.Ru Group - “Push-notification and general architecture of the project My_Mir @ Mail.Ru”

    The program is in the process of filling, there will be more speeches.

    Let's move on to organizational issues. Traditionally, attending the event is free , but quick registration is required. This time the registration is open, this means that everyone can attend the event, motivation letters this time are not required, you just need to select the “participation in the HPC section” during registration, so that we could estimate the number of applicants and the need for an online broadcast.

    Date: October 6, 2012
    Place: Moscow, Warsaw Sh., 28A, Nagatino Club: Coworking 2.0
    Seats limited:250 seats in the hall and 400 seats in the lounge area, where speeches will be broadcast, and where it will be possible to communicate with speakers after their speeches.

    Bonus for those who have read to the end:
    Video recording and presentation of Andrei Sumin's speech.
    Andrey Sumin, Head of Development of the front-end of Mail.Ru Group, at the High Performance Conference highlighted the topic: "JavaScript on the server, 1ms for transformation."

    Video recording and presentation of the speech by Sergey Averina.
    The project manager of the Badoo desktop application, made a presentation at the High Performance Conference on August 9: "Not all databases are equally useful."


    Stay tuned for updates on the site, soon there will be new entries.
    Have a nice day!

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