1532 days without changes in the code

    The American developer Rayan Detzel told an amazing story when one day a stranger called on his mobile phone and asked if he owned the Invoice Journal website - and when did sending / receiving invoices work? Ryan hardly remembered the name of this project, which he wrote for four years in an electric train on the way to work. He was surprised that someone even uses it.

    Arriving home, the author quickly corrected the error in the Apache server settings - and checked the logs of the "abandoned" project. It turned out that over the past 4 years, 2 months and 12 days, people not only used it, but more than a hundred new accounts were registered every month. All these years, traffic has been growing steadily.

    Now Ryan wants to figure out what’s the matter, that is, why a rather primitive amateur site without any advertising, without any promotion turned out to be so tenacious. He will see who sent most of the invoices through him and for what amounts to determine the target audience. True, Ryan says, it's scary to even look into the code, because there are probably a lot of bugs, and he switched to Python a long time ago.

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