Using Remote Work Features

    What is this post about? This post is that remote work can be done from almost anywhere and about my little experience using this feature.

    There are guys who are going and going to Thailand or somewhere else, there are guys who work on the island, but until recently it was more exotic for me than a real guide to action. Still, remote work became more perceived as an opportunity to "get to work on a stationary bike," and I made no special attempts to move the workplace. And now I have such an opportunity. Not the most popular way of traveling in our countries was chosen - in a motor home. Here is such an

    American device . Gluttonous, hefty, old. But here I’m glad and such, the car is not mine.

    This way of traveling has several advantages and features.

    - Independence from local housing. Both from the availability and from the prices for it.
    - The ability to live where you can’t even live in a tent. For example, you can just stand on the sidelines.
    - Ability to choose a place with good internet coverage. On the topic topic this is quite relevant.
    - You can take your wife and / or friends with you. Not much, but a total of four or six - it is quite possible to accommodate. If you still put people nearby in tents - you can even more.
    - Quick and easy change of parking. No need to collect a camp for a long time, pack things. How to unpack.
    - Low load associated with moving. It’s easy to move, and after that you don’t get tired.
    - Always with you the usual atmosphere, the usual bedding and kitchen. No need to get used to the new.
    - Stationary full kitchen, refrigerator. Bathroom and shower. Heater and air conditioning.
    - You can take, for example, a bicycle. Which we, in fact, have done.

    Disadvantages. You have to pay for mobility.

    - The room is one. With all the consequences.
    - The room is small. In case of bad weather, you can, of course, drink tea together or read a book, but it won't work out.
    - Autonomy is not too high - the water supply is 2-4 days, the drains must be regularly drained somewhere.
    - Electricity is expensive. Generator + batteries. About it below.
    - The Internet is not always where you want. This is often the mobile Internet.
    - High fuel consumption. About 20 liters of diesel per hundred. Feature of this particular device.
    - Not too high cross (This is not a jeep. Although ...)
    - In some places, you still have to pay for parking or travel.

    Another difficulty is finding fellow travelers. Still, only a remote employee can leave for a long period of time, and there are not many of them. On the other hand, you can take turns and even in case of urgent need to catch a train and go home. It’s easier than traveling abroad and going away from civilization. On wheels though.
    In general, it turns out a kind of transitional - intermediate option. On the one hand, freedom is like with a tent, on the other hand, it’s like in an apartment. A very peculiar set. It probably looks like a well-equipped summer house that can be put anywhere. Only without annoying neighbors and with optionally changing landscape.

    A bit about power.

    On board there is a generator that runs on gas. The car itself eats diesel fuel, and the generator eats gas. We have to look after two types of fuel, it is not very convenient. But cheaper. The generator is large, 4 kilowatts. So big it is needed to power the air conditioner (which is not yet operational) and the microwave. Since the car is American (through and through) - 110V output. This turned out to be not a problem at all, most modern chargers work without any problems from 110V. It is written on them - 100-240V. Just bought an adapter for the outlet, and you're done. During operation, the generator does not eat gas so weakly, about 2 liters per hour. It also makes a little noise. They didn’t really want to rattle the whole eight-hour working day. There were 4 lead-acid batteries on 12V 12A * h and an inverter. Since a laptop with 4.8Ah battery lasts about an hour and a half, then he should have worked on the batteries for 15 hours. There are two laptops, so 7-8 hours should have been left in stock. Such a scheme of work was chosen - we work on batteries for 4 hours, then turn on the generator for 4 hours and work from it. During this time, the batteries are fully charged. That's how it all happened. For the money comes out $ 7 per day. When working on batteries, they worked in energy saving mode. Although lead, and quite voluminous, it still had to be saved in electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. so 7-8 hours should have been in stock. Such a scheme of work was chosen - we work on batteries for 4 hours, then turn on the generator for 4 hours and work from it. During this time, the batteries are fully charged. That's how it all happened. For the money comes out $ 7 per day. When working on batteries, they worked in energy saving mode. Although lead, and quite voluminous, it still had to be saved in electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. so 7-8 hours should have been in stock. Such a scheme of work was chosen - we work on batteries for 4 hours, then turn on the generator for 4 hours and work from it. During this time, the batteries are fully charged. That's how it all happened. For the money comes out $ 7 per day. When working on batteries, they worked in energy saving mode. Although lead, and quite voluminous, it still had to be saved in electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. then turn on the generator for 4 hours and work from it. During this time, the batteries are fully charged. That's how it all happened. For the money comes out $ 7 per day. When working on batteries, they worked in energy saving mode. Although lead, and quite voluminous, it still had to be saved in electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. then turn on the generator for 4 hours and work from it. During this time, the batteries are fully charged. That's how it all happened. For the money comes out $ 7 per day. When working on batteries, they worked in energy saving mode. Although lead, and quite voluminous, it still had to be saved in electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. but still had to save electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery. but still had to save electricity. Of course, they didn’t save anything from the generator - it has a dope with a margin, and our scanty loads do not affect its consumption. The rest of the electrics were powered by a starter battery, they also never bumped into it. Light, pump, exhaust hood - it was separate from our working battery.
    Now I plan to use this battery as a large uninterruptible.
    It would be possible to buy a smaller generator, it could be set aside so that it makes less noise. But then neither the refrigerator, nor the air conditioning, nor the microwave would work from him. And the generator itself costs money.

    the Internet

    The Internet from peoplenet is such a kind of Ukrainian CDMA operator in some places. The Internet was started on my laptop, when needed, an antenna was placed on the roof. Further on wifi to the second laptop. If you look at coverage maps, you can move around quite freely. Plus for the weekend you can do without the Internet. The coverage is decent enough, you can use it yourself. We did not need big speeds, almost everywhere we needed access - it was. The coast is well covered. In case you need to completely aside, you can probably use GPRS. But it is very sad.

    When I planned all this action, I knew in advance that I would continue to work. I got ready, bought an antenna and looked at coverage maps. There wasn’t much route, we just went where I wanted to. We looked at the Internet photos, maps, put on a GPS point and went wherever they look. Removed from the parking lot when the place was bored. Nobody drove us and nothing pressed. Absolute freedom.

    Of course, at lunch we went swimming (where the sea was), after work we had fun + weekends. Yes, it’s not all the time to rest, but somehow it didn’t bother. We moved in the evenings and on weekends.

    For money, it all cost something like this - $ 7 per day for electricity, moving home (500 km) - $ 125, they ran into somewhere else for $ 40-50. Total stayed 14 days, 9 of them worked. Two pairs of weekends + one for Trinity. Altogether a little less than $ 250. Once paid 60 UAH ($ 7.5) for the fare, once paid 30 UAH ($ 4) for parking on Ai-Petri and once 50 UAH for parking almost in the center of Alushta. We went to the water park. In principle, if we had earlier started looking for the place we paid for, we could have found it for free. On Ai-Petri, you can calmly drop into the parking lot in the evening, and in Alushta there were enough places for free parking.
    In total, we were first five adults and two children, then three adults and two children. It turns out cheaper than local housing :).

    Few places from where we worked.

    Near Chufut Kale, near Bakhchisarai. The internet was poor. Crop from a cylindrical panorama.

    Near Sevastopol. Kacha. The coverage is excellent, the sea is warm :)

    Balaclava. The Internet is lousy, the sea is cold. We were not here; we just came here for a walk.

    Also a balaclava. Frenchman on the house. He is in the picture next to his car. Pleasant such a guy, funny.

    Under Foros. The sea is icy, never entered the water. The coverage is excellent. I had to decently ride a bike until we found a place.

    Ai-Petri. They didn’t work, they didn’t even look at the weekend. In the evening, tourists leave from there, a friendly and interesting local population remains.

    Ay Petri, from the top.

    Alushta. The place is very passable, a good example of the fact that you can stand where you can’t stand anymore. It didn’t bother at all. The tinting is good, which is not visible in the car from the outside. A warm sea is nearby, all sorts of entertainment too.

    View from the other side.

    All photos can be considered a motorhome. Not at all easy, but it is everywhere :)

    In general, it turned out that it is possible to work in such conditions, that it is possible and quite pleasant to combine work and leisure. If we take into account operating costs, it is also relatively not expensive. Mobility is colossal. The comfort level is sufficient so that this does not affect performance. Myself, I would also like a motorhome, or maybe just a trailer-cottage. Quite a lot of equipment is produced for this business, a lot of all sorts of lotions that will help to feel at home. Prior to gaining some operating experience, such a technique did not at all know what it was and certainly did not consider it as a means for remote work. Now, if possible, I will surely fall off somewhere else. It is not so important where, within the country there are many more interesting places where there is Internet coverage and the road. And this, as it turns out,

    Please write about errors and typos in PM. To swear that this article has no place on a habr - too.

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