HOWTO setup ubuntu 18.04 sendmail + DKIM + SPF + DMARC or how I managed to get into the Gmail bastion
There are 2 separate domains on my server. Prior to the Roskomnadzor blocking history, we collected traffic of about 2,000 visits per day, and the mail server sent about 200 emails per day to all popular mail services, incl. Google and Yandex. Everything was great. But as they say in the famous video: “Everything was so good until
Now, when we managed to find a hoster, whose IP addresses do not fall under the state censorship blocking, another problem has appeared. Google Good Corporation has ceased to let our postman on the threshold.
The google MX server throws out my mail with something like the following message: “Your message looks like an undesirable one, bye bye ...”
log of connection with google's SMTP server
050 <>... Connecting to via esmtp...
050 220 ESMTP v6-v6si38552789wrc.432 - gsmtp
050 >>> EHLO
050 at your service, [2a02:c207:2018:3546::1]
050 250-SIZE 157286400
050 250-8BITMIME
050 250-STARTTLS
050 250-CHUNKING
050 250 SMTPUTF8
050 >>> STARTTLS
050 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
050 >>> EHLO
050 at your service, [2a02:c207:2018:3546::1]
050 250-SIZE 157286400
050 250-8BITMIME
050 250-CHUNKING
050 250 SMTPUTF8
050 >>> MAIL From:<> SIZE=297
050 250 2.1.0 OK v6-v6si38552789wrc.432 - gsmtp
050 >>> RCPT To:<>
050 >>> DATA
050 250 2.1.5 OK v6-v6si38552789wrc.432 - gsmtp
050 354 Go ahead v6-v6si38552789wrc.432 - gsmtp
050 >>> .
050 550-5.7.1 [2a02:c207:2018:3546::1 7] Our system has detected that this
050 550-5.7.1 message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent
050 550-5.7.1 to Gmail, this message has been blocked. Please visit
050 550-5.7.1
050 550 5.7.1 for more information. v6-v6si38552789wrc.432 - gsmtp
I sent a test message with this command:
echo "Subject: Hello baby!" | sendmail -v
I will not write about my dances with a tambourine in an attempt to break through the spam filters. I can only say that I was taken all night, but I could only succeed the next day. That is why I decided to write this manual.
The steepness of this manual is that it works, unlike many others. I guarantee that you can configure at least 2 domains on 1 server without much difficulty.
1. Install the necessary packages
apt-get install sendmail opendkim -y
2. Configure opendkim
The config is here: /etc/opendkim.conf
AutoRestart Yes
UMask 002
Syslog yes
AutoRestartRate 10/1h
Canonicalization relaxed/simple
ExternalIgnoreList refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
KeyTable refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable
SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
LogWhy Yes
Mode sv
PidFile /var/run/opendkim/
SignatureAlgorithm rsa-sha256
Socket inet:8891@localhost
SyslogSuccess Yes
TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp
UserID opendkim:opendkim
UMask 002
Syslog yes
AutoRestartRate 10/1h
Canonicalization relaxed/simple
ExternalIgnoreList refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
KeyTable refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable
SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
LogWhy Yes
Mode sv
PidFile /var/run/opendkim/
SignatureAlgorithm rsa-sha256
Socket inet:8891@localhost
SyslogSuccess Yes
TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp
UserID opendkim:opendkim
3. Configure keys and signing rules
I will describe the procedure for creating your own keys for those who want complete autonomy. Personally, I use the Yandex Mail domain service,, so I have the keys generated by Yandex.
#сначала делаем каталог
mkdir -p /etc/opendkim/keys/*****.ru
#переходим туда
cd /etc/opendkim/keys/******.ru
#делаем ключи
#-s определяет селектор -d домен для которого делать ключ
opendkim-genkey -s mail -d ******.ru
#должны появится 2 файла mail.txt с открытым ключом и mail.private с закрытым
#назначим владельцем файлов ключей opendkim:opendkim
chown opendkim:opendkim mail.*
#ограничим доступ к секретному ключу
chmod 600 mail.private
Next, we connect our DKIM secret key created or uploaded from Yandex.
We are interested in these three lines from the opendkim config:
InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
KeyTable refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable
SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
The first file
stores the hosts that will have access to the opendkim server for signing letters./ etc / opendkim / TrustedHosts
The second file
contains a table of secret keys and related DKIM records, which are the following:[selector]._domainkey.[domain_name]
/ etc / opendkim / KeyTable
In the third file
is a table of the rules of signing letters. Here it is indicated whose letters and with what key to sign./ etc / opendkim / SigningTable
We create these files by specifying your domain and your path to the key file. This completes the opendkim setting.
4. Configure sendmail
Configuring sendmail is as simple as possible. We just need to add the
following lines to the end of the config file prototype file :#Эта строка включает поддержу starttls
#Заставим sendmail пропускать письма через opendkim
INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`opendkim', `S=inet:8891@localhost')dnl
For the default mail to be sent from the correct domain, you need to make another change in the file.
We are looking for a line that looks like this:
Replace with the required domain. This domain will be used as the default return address. Notice that the quotes are different there; strictly speaking, the first character `
is called a gravis. So for some reason it’s got in the sendmail config. Now we will add entries to the / etc / hosts file. This is necessary in order for sendmail to pass letters through the filter. It has been empirically established that if no entries are added, all logs remain pristine clean, not showing a single error, but the letters are not signed.
echo -e "" >> /etc/hosts
echo -e "::1" >> /etc/hosts
Now you need to rebuild sendmail with new settings.
#запускаем скрипт
#на все вопросы отвечаем "да"
#перезапускам службы opendkim и sendmail
service opendkim restart && service sendmail restart
Now our sendmail server is able to pass outgoing emails through the opendkim server, which adds a digital signature and encrypts the headers of the sent emails. It remains to publish the public key for the receiving party so that you can decrypt the headers and make sure that the headers are not changed.
5. Settings DKIM TXT records on DNS server
The key must be hung on the DNS server in the TXT type string as follows:
v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2wtGTw/5KPjtlIEh282JY7ovxZ/8eqveFn9ivhzpYJldl3fBEOKw
this is our public key that v=
determines the version number of DKIM t=
sets the flags, by default the flags are not set. There are 2 flags 'y' and 's'. y
says that DKIM works in test mode. s
means the mode when the right side of the email address after @ must completely coincide with the domain specified in the d = DKIM parameter of the signature of the letter. The host must be specified as follows:
We have the mail selector, so the host will be like this: The
public key must be removed from the file
mail._domainkey IN TXT ( «v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; „
«Y/Bl2e2TE/WG45wVShlQ85E8IpYixscd0qDJ9/NbZrbWIfy8shujWVk5izNU4PqcWwW7/H9uTkhAbMu0fgqT8W9Jv/GRVAireOCzMl13E9PVANt4o+ywqyGk38vSY8QdgJsZPDUQIDAQAB» ); — DKIM key mail for
«Y/Bl2e2TE/WG45wVShlQ85E8IpYixscd0qDJ9/NbZrbWIfy8shujWVk5izNU4PqcWwW7/H9uTkhAbMu0fgqT8W9Jv/GRVAireOCzMl13E9PVANt4o+ywqyGk38vSY8QdgJsZPDUQIDAQAB» ); — DKIM key mail for
The key goes from p = to the last quote. The quotes with spaces must be removed.
6. Configure SPF
SPF (Sender Policy Frameword) is another 1 anti-spam technology, I will not talk about it. Only 2 words to understand the essence of this technology. The DNS records of the domain are similar to the DKIM public key. The addresses of servers that have the right to send mail from this domain are recorded. We need to register in this entry ip address of your server. In my case, a Yandex server has also been added to the list.
Here is an example of my record:
v=spf1 a mx ip4: ip6:2a02:c207:2018:3546::1 ~all
The syntax is simple. First, the spf version is specified, and then the spaces of the servers that have the right to send mail from this domain are indicated through a space with or without a plus. I have a and mx records, which means that the servers from DNS A and MX records are also on the allowed list. Via include: the address of the Yandex server is specified, and then the ipv4 and ipv6 addresses of my server. ~ all means soft refusal. Those. all addresses that are not listed in the resolved can still pass at the discretion of the receiving server. -all would mean a hard failure.
7. Configure DMARC
The last nail to penetrate the gmail bastion is the DMARC. DMARC sets what to do with emails that do not pass SPF or DKIM.
We do everything just as well through a DNS TXT record.
v=DMARC1; p=none
Here we establish that if the letters did not pass SPF or DKIM, then nothing needs to be done. You can put p = reject. Then such letters will be rejected.
We send a letter.
echo "Subject: Hello baby!" | sendmail -v
We look at the last records of the mail log.
tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep dkim
A line similar to this should appear:
Jun 11 22:07:55 sevenlight opendkim[6473]: w5BK7sl9008069: DKIM-Signature field added (s=mail,
If there is a string, then the sendmail server and opendkim worked together and signed your letter. If there is no such line, see the “Possible Problems” section.
Now we look what happened in the mailbox. Open the letter and press the button with the down arrow in the upper right corner of the letter. In the drop-down menu, select the item “Show original”.
That's what happened with me:
Message ID <201806112007.w5BK7sUS008068@******.ru>
Created on: 11 June 2018 at 22:07 (Delivered after 2 seconds)
From: info@*****.ru
Subject: Заказ №2221 Интернет-магазин напольных покрытий ******.ru
SPF: PASS with IP 2a02:c207:2018:3546:0:0:0:1 Learn more
DKIM: 'PASS' with domain *****.ru Learn more
DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more
Possible problems
I sincerely hope that there will be no need to read this section, but the technique is a difficult thing ... Sometimes it is not clear who works for whom.
First, we check everything you did in the exact sequence specified in the instructions.
First, we check the / etc / hosts file for correctness of changes in it. I had the most problems there. Next, check the system log for errors dkim. While I was picking, I happened to face the situation of the impossibility of reading the secret key opendkim, although I appointed the user opendkim as the owner of the file. Then you should carefully study the sendmailconfig command execution log. I had a case in which I used a regular single quote instead of a fixed gravis, and sendmailconfig cursed it. If nothing helped write me and keep trying.