CyberPlat has closed the acceptance of credit cards from abroad

    Faced the problem of hosting payment. At the end of December.

    My usual CyberPlat categorically stopped accepting a couple of my cards. Cards are registered in different countries, payments are made from them and I was sure that I did not have a problem.

    1. The company is not our problem - deal with CyberPlat
    2. CyberPlat - there is no answer to e-mal, Skype hotline - no answer. Phone call - everything is fine with us, the card issuer does not give the green light to the payment.
    3. Card issuer - yes, we see your previous payments in CyberPlat, we see your yesterday's payment to China, today there were no requests for your card.

    Trying to get Yandex.Money ... Cards also fail !?

    Trying to get MoneyMail, enter money. Hurrah! It goes by.

    I pay for hosting, finally, to clear my conscience, I will send a letter to the company with a description of the situation and a warning that more clients will come to this rake now.

    And I get the answer:

    from 28/11/2011 CyberPlat unilaterally set restrictions on
    some states for card payments through the payment system. For
    our company, payments are allowed for cards issued by issuing banks of the CIS countries:
    1. Armenia
    2. Belarus
    3. Kazakhstan
    4. Kyrgyzstan
    5. Moldova
    6. Russia
    7. Tajikistan
    8. Turkmenistan
    9. Uzbekistan
    10. Ukraine
    11. Azerbaijan

    So foreign CyberPlat users - seek backup payment options in advance.

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