I share usage statistics

    Recently, in one of my projects, I needed to add some simple statistics. I will not delve into the details of the project itself, I can only say that it is a shareware program, which costs tens of thousands of users. My goal is to know how many people use the Trial version of the program per day.

    The obvious solution is to install a web server, write a small script that processes a request for a certain URL of the form http: // myproject / ontrial and then my program should make a request to this URL at startup.

    Earlier, I already did small crafts on GAE, so I have some experience, and the deployment of services attracted me. Therefore, for a long time I did not even think about where to place my service, especially since it consists of 1 simple method, which essentially does nothing. What was even more pleasing was the statistics in the GAE admin panel, in which you can see which methods were pulled and how many times. Next, I give dry statistics of use and price (many pictures)

    Simple python handler

    Gap per second

    Milliseconds per request

    Byte received per second

    Byte sent per second

    CPU time usage

    The number of milliseconds is spent every second processing the request

    Number of failures

    Instance Types

    My billing settings

    Payment Statistics

    Details on payment


    • For an "empty" Python handler, which is requested on average 43,000 times a day, you will have to pay about $ 30 per month.
    • According to preliminary estimates, you can save up to $ 10 per month. To do this, you need to estimate how much on average the processor hours per day are used over the quota (in my case, this is ~ 13 hours). In the billing settings, set a fixed number of hours that you have to pay every day regardless of the load. But 1 fixed hour will then cost $ 0.05 instead of $ 0.08.
    • Given the savings, I think that in my case, the use of GAE is still more beneficial than disadvantageous. Although of course you can find cheaper options.

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