You calendar 2012

    And here you go again!

    By tradition, the eve of December 31 I spend eating tangerines and updating the calendar for Habr.

    To pocket (100 × 70mm):
    pdf , eps , svg or png (1185 × 836, 300dpi)

    To the wall (A4):
    pdf , eps , svg or png (3512 × 2487, 300dpi)

    Calendar generator (Python, CC-BY)

    This time I have some great news: Anton passerby made a wonderful calendar generator based on my calendarin which you can even choose colors and number systems. I am very happy about this: now if someone needs a calendar in advance, or wants the same, but a different calendar - you can easily get what you want !

    Well, I, with your permission, will continue to distribute my modest version on December 31 in the hope of adding a little more New Year's mood to our cozy Habr.

    UPD (00:48) Guys, there was a terrible bug in the calendar: the programmer's day (256th day of the year) in leap 2012 is September 0c, not 0d. Bug fixed. Thanks to Bogdan N., who pointed out this error to me.

    Happy New Year, cheers!

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