Anonymous's Christmas Gifts Continue: Military Retailer Hacked


    The hacker group Anonymous, known for a number of high-profile incidents related to computer security violations of a number of very serious military, financial and criminal organizations, is clearly not idle: the other day it became known that the information-analytical agency StratFor, which is engaged in comprehensive analysis for such structures, was attacked like the CIA, and now a new victim - the personal information of the project involved in the supply of goods for the military and law enforcement agencies has been compromised.

    As a result, according to Anonymous, over the past months, the group has had about 14,000 passwords and about 8,000 credit cards from the project database. Unfortunately, the group does not report almost any technical details, except that the vulnerability on the project site was discovered by the site staff itself on December 15, however, no action was taken, however; stolen passwords, unlike StratFor data, were still encrypted. Hackers in this post on PasteBin described their motives, not forgetting to mock the defense of the project, which implements military supplies - the site contained "impressive" statements "" Scanned by secured website "and"McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses, and online scams ”, which turned out to be ridiculed by intruders.

    The injured does not deny ( twitter with a letter about breaking into the database) the fact of leakage of classified information, while noting that at the moment the customer database is blocked and it is now impossible to enter the client system using any login or password from the database. This seems like a natural step on their part, since Anonymous did not forget to leave links to archives with client passwords for public viewing (links do not work now, but finding specialforces_passwords.txt and specialforces_full.txt.gz files will hardly be a problem for those interested).

    The following is curious: hackers act not just for “fun” and their own pleasure, but call them certain moral obligations - probably many remember that Anonymous took responsibility for disrupting the servers that distribute child pornography, and then promised to the result of the operation “Robin Hood” is to transfer money from the accounts of a number of financial organizations to the accounts of charitable societies and unions, which, however, adds significant problems to the latter in a difficult explanation the manifestation of monetary amounts as a result of doubtful financial transactions. Another important motive for their actions, Anonymous called the release of Private Bradley Manning, who is now under trial by the chief informant Wikileaks.

    In the coming days, Anonymous promises new hacks of projects related to global financial, military and government structures, bluntly designating their chapters as “capitalist pigs” ( capitalist pigs ).

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