Forismatic 3.0 - Quotes on iPad and iPhone

    Forismatic 3.0

    Everyone has a favorite application. It should not just like more than others, but be in the forefront among the most used applications on your device. It should inspire.

    Our favorite app is Forismatic . The first version was released a couple of years ago and for 2 weeks it occupied an honorable first place among free applications in AppStore Russia. Then, in December 2009, a post in "I am PR" helped . Now this review and screenshots of version 1.0 cause a slight smile. Since then, the number of fans has been growing every month. Now let's talk about the present.

    Today we released Forismatic 3.0. This version contains everything you requested:
    1. iPad application - Forismatic for iPhone has become a universal application and now fully works on both devices.
    2. More quotes - for a nominal fee, you can order the entire collection of quotes that we collected throughout 2011. The funds raised will go to the development of the project and your inspiration.
    3. Bookmark synchronization - we keep up to date and have implemented iCloud technology. Now your favorite quotes are always relevant on all your devices.
    4. Of course, we remember your friends and improved integration with VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. For business people - LinkedIn, and for collectors - Evernote.
    5. Moreover, we remember our old friends and try to maintain support for most functions for older versions of iOS 3.x.

    Statistics of the use of iOS client:
    • about 3,000,000 citations are read each month
    • the application launches almost 200,000 times a month
    • average reading time about 14 minutes
    • 95% are old friends, 5% are new
    • Constant audience approaches 70,000 users
    • demography: 75% - Russia, 9% - Ukraine. Further the United States, the rest of the Russian-speaking countries.

    Public API Usage Statistics:
    • approximately 2,500,000 phorizmic statements are read every day
    • that's about 30 sayings per second
    • or about 50 sayings per second during the day, as 80% read in the afternoon

    We look forward to your feedback and advice.

    We also actively conduct the page on VKontakte , Facebook and Twitter .
    Join us and get inspired! PS. Moved from "I PR" to the blog for true connoisseurs of "Apple". I would like a warmer welcome.


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