DARPA is looking for developers of mobile applications for military purposes

    The well-known organization - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - the agency of advanced defense research projects in the USA), which is at the forefront of the Internet, published a note on its official website in which developers of mobile applications are actually invited to work at the agency.

    The essence of future work is described as follows: DARPA has a significant reserve of modern equipment (in particular, tracking systems (sensor systems) - the Adaptable Sensor System), the potential of technical capabilities of which is far from being fully utilized due to the lack of appropriate software. More specifically, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) (UAVs - unmmanned aerial vehicles), indispensable for reconnaissance, surveillance and reconnaissance, could be much more effective on the battlefield if there were an application that allowed you to control them all at once, without the need to control each apparatus separately - stated in the note.

    All these serious problems are in the software of hardware resources of tracking systems, which are built on the basis of technologies used in smartphones ( built on smartphone-like technolog) can be solved by a community of developers with experience in creating mobile applications in terms of more efficient use of network capabilities, accelerometers, and user interfaces. Another point is also important: now the deadlines for creating programs for ADAPT range from three to eight years, and by attracting a new team, DARPA expects to significantly accelerate this process.

    As an example, one of the DARPA managers describes approximately the following: a network of hidden sensors of tracking systems is deployed around a military object, which accumulate and exchange information among themselves, which should be easily accessible by the sentry with a tablet.

    In the final, DARPA expects to get a complete ecosystem consisting of a set of programs that the military could use, similar to the way smartphone users have access to paid applications in stores in numerous software stores.

    UPD: the first comment of the mtp haraler refers to the text that I corrected due to the stylistic error.

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