SCPlugin: TortoiseSVN for Mac
I have long strained lack of a simple svn-client on the Mac, ideologically similar to "tartillu» ( the TortoiseSVN ). I tried a lot of things: svnX , Subversive (plugin for Eclipse), CollabNet Subversion (another plugin for Eclipse, built on the basis of Subclipse) - but, apparently, my body is differently arranged and they all seemed to me uncomfortable. once went to Google with an unequivocal question: "TortoiseSVN for Mac"? To which he received an unexpected answer - SCPlugin ! SCPlugin is a plugin for Finder that makes working with svn simple and convenient, ideologically repeating the work of TortoiseSVNon windows. Of course, in terms of features, it is significantly inferior to Tartilla, offering only basic functionality, but I really hope that the project will develop and eventually everything that is missing now will appear in it.