Use case: Facebook has entered into an agreement with the US government to use user data

    Between the largest social network Facebook and the US government, an agreement is concluded for a period of 20 years, which regulates the process of using personal information and user data. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg’s company must adhere to three important points:
    • Obtaining explicit permission from the user before transferring personal information to the social network.
    • Prevent changes to user data security policies without the knowledge of the user.
    • Prohibiting the use of user data in ways other than what the user himself agreed to.

    The agreement provides for an independent audit of the rules for a period of 20 years, although Facebook sources say that the company initially insisted on a 5-year term. Now, according to the new rules, over the next 20 years, Facebook will undergo an independent audit every two years, and if the company is found to be in violation, it will face a fine of $ 16,000 for each day until the violation is eliminated.

    According to the plans of the US government, the Federal Communications Commission intends to fit into common standards agreements with all major Internet companies, primarily with Google. Earlier, Google and Twitter agreed to conduct external audits of the information policy, although the microblogging service will audit only once every 10 years.

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