Fast encryption of your messages

    We often send various messages over the network - in forums, social networks, ICQ, mail, etc.
    And often you want to hide the contents from prying eyes (yes, in mail services and social networks they can read your messages if they appear in the results of an internal search for messages).
    So here. Putting some encryption software for this is tiring, difficult, and for the most part - just too lazy.
    And here a very useful bookmarklet appears in the arena. It is just
    a normal Javascript. It is set up simply and simply - save it in the “Favorites”, place it on the main browser panel and use it. Or simply drag-and-drop to the bookmarks bar.

    For example, in order to encrypt a message, just select it, click on the “” icon that appears on the browser panel, enter the password in the window that appears, and your message is immediately encrypted. Everything is decoded in exactly the same way - we select the encrypted text, click on the bookmarklet, enter the password and the message is decrypted.

    It remains only to agree with the one with whom you intend to correspond, on a common password. Naturally, the password must be used in a different communication channel than the one where you are going to correspond.

    Encryption / decryption takes place entirely on the client side.

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