Ciklum Supports Zend PHP Framework Conference - Zend Framework Day

To share experience, to learn something new - all these are long-known truths of how it is possible and necessary to develop personally and professionally.
That is why conferences, camps and rallies of various professional developer communities in different cities are created.
We at Ciklum are convinced that communication, meetings and the exchange of experience contribute to raising the professional level of any person. That is why we support such events, providing the organizers with a place where you can come and have a fruitful conversation on a professional topic, or by participating in organizing such events, for example, in Ukraine in Kiev , Kharkov , Dnepropetrovsk and other cities, as well as in Belarus (for example, inMinsk ).
So, for example, this Saturday, November 12th, Zend Framework Day will be held - the first event held within the framework of Frameworks Days that we support.
The event is expected to "rally" more than 200 developers of architects, project managers from Ukraine, Russia and neighboring CIS countries. The program of the event will include performances for different tastes: from “Introduction to Zend Framework 2.0” to “Developing console applications with ZendFramework 2.0” , “Creating a lightweight API using ZF2” , etc. The organizers promise that it will be interesting and useful for everyone present.
Details of the event can be found on the website of the organizers.