Severe C ++ Subbotnik for severe coders - November 19, Dnepropetrovsk

    Dear readers, we want to invite you to another Ciklum Saturday , which, we are sure, will be not only interesting, but also useful to you.

    November 19th is declared a day dedicated to stern guys writing in ageless C ++. In this regard, we invite everyone to C ++ Saturday !

    At the moment, the list of speakers and topics is as follows:
    • Alexander Babko will share knowledge of “Features of using gsoap”
    • Eugene Kulak will talk about "Stack / stackless coroutines and Boost.Asio"
    • Anton Kukoba will share the experience of “Reassembling and recovering C / C ++ from assembler”
    • Alexey Podoba will talk about “Automatic assembly systems. Cmake »
    • Ivan Romanenko will present a report on the topic: “The Experience of Using Boost Spirit, Boost MPL”
    • Gennady Maryanichenko will share knowledge about “Lock free algorithms”

    Still vacant places for 1-2 reports. If you have the determination to become one of the speakers, then it is very simple to do this - write about yourself and about the topic of your concern at this address.

    Follow the updates on our blog to keep abreast of events.

    The final program of the event with organizational details will be sent on Friday, November 18 to all registered participants by e-mail.

    To register for the event, fill out a short form.

    We are waiting for you in the Dnepropetrovsk office of Ciklum on November 19 !

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