New on the website of the State Duma: deputies ’speeches become more accessible
Updated search in information systems, mobile versions of sites and support for “Masha” are utilities for extracting text fragments recently introduced at kremlin.ru .
In January of this year, a new version of the website of the State Duma was launched, which included a huge number of changes and improvements . Just yesterday, he headed the independent rating of state websites prepared by the activists of the Pirate Party of Russia, which cannot but rejoice.
This post is the beginning of a series of articles highlighting innovations on the State Duma website, the results of the joint efforts of the State Duma apparatus and Intaro Soft.
Today's changes have affected two information systems:Database “Transcripts of State Duma meetings” and Information and analytical materials . The first system provides access to transcripts of speeches of deputies and chronicles of all meetings, and the second stores analytical information: ballots, analytical reviews, materials for working with deputies and voters, and much more.
Updated and improved the search in the database "Transcripts of meetings of the State Duma." The search form has been simplified to 4 required fields, while the search has become full-text with regard to morphology.
The search works on the basis of domestic development, the high-performance Sphinx search engine . Besides the fact that it guarantees a quick and high-quality search, its use will ensure the implementation of a single search on all information systems of the State Duma, which will be implemented on the central site in the near future.

One of the problems when searching through transcripts is finding the place where the phrase you are looking for is found. The average size of a transcript is 300–500 Kb (100–200 A4 pages), which makes navigation through its text somewhat difficult. Now, when switching from search results to transcript text, auxiliary navigation tools appear that allow you to navigate between the phrases found.

Recently released by our colleagues in the workshop, the freely distributed utility mashajs allows you to select pieces of text and create a unique link for them, which you can then send to another person. The utility is currently actively developing and has already been implemented on sites such as kremlin.ru , NTV , 404 conferences .
From the side of the State Duma apparatus, proposals to introduce a similar function in the texts of the transcripts of the meetings were received in June. We considered it right “not to reinvent the wheel” and use the existing successfully working solution in the form of “Masha”.
The utility was slightly expanded by us, and now allows 2 clicks to publish a link to fragments of the transcript text in popular social networks.

Mobile versions of both information systems were developed and introduced. As on the main website of the State Duma, there is support for automatically detecting a web client and redirecting mobile clients to the appropriate version of the site.
Our work on this is not finished. Soon, the open bills search API will be launched, which will allow you to use the service in your applications and embed it in websites; single search on all information systems of the State Duma; system of public discussion of bills; and much more.
We will talk about all this in the following articles.
In January of this year, a new version of the website of the State Duma was launched, which included a huge number of changes and improvements . Just yesterday, he headed the independent rating of state websites prepared by the activists of the Pirate Party of Russia, which cannot but rejoice.
This post is the beginning of a series of articles highlighting innovations on the State Duma website, the results of the joint efforts of the State Duma apparatus and Intaro Soft.
Today's changes have affected two information systems:Database “Transcripts of State Duma meetings” and Information and analytical materials . The first system provides access to transcripts of speeches of deputies and chronicles of all meetings, and the second stores analytical information: ballots, analytical reviews, materials for working with deputies and voters, and much more.
Full-text search in the database “Transcripts of meetings of the State Duma”
Updated and improved the search in the database "Transcripts of meetings of the State Duma." The search form has been simplified to 4 required fields, while the search has become full-text with regard to morphology.
The search works on the basis of domestic development, the high-performance Sphinx search engine . Besides the fact that it guarantees a quick and high-quality search, its use will ensure the implementation of a single search on all information systems of the State Duma, which will be implemented on the central site in the near future.

Search for words in the transcript
One of the problems when searching through transcripts is finding the place where the phrase you are looking for is found. The average size of a transcript is 300–500 Kb (100–200 A4 pages), which makes navigation through its text somewhat difficult. Now, when switching from search results to transcript text, auxiliary navigation tools appear that allow you to navigate between the phrases found.

MaSha - text fragment highlighting utility
Recently released by our colleagues in the workshop, the freely distributed utility mashajs allows you to select pieces of text and create a unique link for them, which you can then send to another person. The utility is currently actively developing and has already been implemented on sites such as kremlin.ru , NTV , 404 conferences .
From the side of the State Duma apparatus, proposals to introduce a similar function in the texts of the transcripts of the meetings were received in June. We considered it right “not to reinvent the wheel” and use the existing successfully working solution in the form of “Masha”.
The utility was slightly expanded by us, and now allows 2 clicks to publish a link to fragments of the transcript text in popular social networks.

Mobile versions of information systems
Mobile versions of both information systems were developed and introduced. As on the main website of the State Duma, there is support for automatically detecting a web client and redirecting mobile clients to the appropriate version of the site.
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Our work on this is not finished. Soon, the open bills search API will be launched, which will allow you to use the service in your applications and embed it in websites; single search on all information systems of the State Duma; system of public discussion of bills; and much more.
We will talk about all this in the following articles.