Ciklum Mobile Saturday (iOS edition) in Minsk, June 18

    On June 18, Ciklum, with the support of the portal, invites all iOS developers to Ciklum Mobile Saturday (iOS edition).

    It has become a tradition for our company to organize and support meetings of various developer communities (.NET, PHP, Mobile). This subbotnik will be the first event in Minsk, which is fully devoted to iOS software development.

    We tried to make it even more interesting and this time well-known speakers and experienced technical experts will come to us, many of whom will visit Belarus for the first time.

    Details under the habrakat:
    • Mark Wilcox , Senior Engineering Consultant of SteelyEye (UK) with a presentation on “The Future of Mobile Software Development” . Mark is an experienced mobile systems architect who previously worked with Ericsson, Fujitsu, Nokia, Panasonic & Samsung. He is the author of two books on the development of mobile applications and services, a well-known speaker who has spoken at many conferences in Europe and the USA. He leads the development of application and service architecture on major mobile platforms, including iOS.
    • Vladimir Puzanov (Kiev) - Technical Director of Codeneedle, will present the topic "Analysis and Optimization of ObjectiveC Code ". Vladimir has been developing solutions for Mac, iOS platforms, Cappuccino-based web applications, in the past he developed low-level solutions for Palm OS, OpenedHand Ltd. He teaches in the areas of Practical iOS Development, information technology, computer engineering.
    • Taras Kalapun (Kiev) is a leading iOS developer and trainer at Ciklum. He will visit Minsk for the second time and share his thoughts on “RESTfull iOS with RestKit ”.

    Several speakers from Minsk will also speak:
    • Sergey Frasl Glebov - “Please your wife - go to ObjectiveC”
    • Ivan Sukhinin - "Animations in iOS through Core Animation"
    • Sergey Balashevich - “Notes on time management in mobile startups”

    And, of course, it will not do without an after-party in one of Minsk pubs :)

    All iOS developers are invited to participate directly.
    And since the number of places is limited, we invite everyone to register before June 15 here , thereby securing a place on the community work day. The time and venue will be announced to additionally registered participants.

    You can ask real-time questions to speakers on Twitter @CiklumMinsk, and please comment on the event and reports with the hash tag #CiklumMob. In the same way you can contact the organizers.

    As in previous times, the portal organizes a direct online broadcast of all reports, which will be available to everyone on thislink. In addition, the broadcast can be seen using mobile phones at this address.

    Ciklum Mobile Saturday - Cross the Borders! :)
    Join now!

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