Rambler Cashier. Movie tickets

Availability information is updated in real time. After payment, the user receives a digital ticket code in the form of an SMS message or email. The code must be dialed in the terminal at the cinema, which will print the ticket or call the cashier and get a ticket from him.
The cinema network Karo Film, Kronverk Cinema, Kinomax and others are already connected to the Rambler-Kassa system. In the near future, the Cinema Park network will be connected.
It is worth noting that the sale of tickets is made through the sites of partners: "KinoPoisk" , "Film.ru" , "Poster" .

Checked through a movie search, at the moment payment is only possible by credit card. I hope to connect the Luxor cinema network in the near future. Still popcorn and Coke could be paid in advance :)