You were not standing here

    Perhaps every visit to any government organization begins with a line. People wait for hours, crowding and hustling in narrow corridors, and sometimes they find out by force who was behind whom ...

    Sometimes it comes to madness:

    It's awkward, why is it that we still have not made a solution to the problem that many other countries use? Why don't we have an electronic queue?

    What could be easier than getting a number, and be free right up to the moment the number appears on the board! - this is your turn.


    The machine printing numbers is very simple, no more complicated than the ancient dot matrix printer. The scoreboard is also nothing complicated. How much can a similar system cost?

    I think most of the people standing in the 2-3 hour queue would gladly donate $ 2 - $ 5 to leave this queue and return when necessary. In addition to the scoreboard, you can make a simple website that can be viewed from a mobile, or SMS notification. And cheaters can be weeded out by printing a barcode along with the number.
    I think you can even monetize this system by receiving a small amount for SMS notification.

    So what is the problem? Why do not we value our time and spend so much in queues as in the video?

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