How to recognize pornography

    Before the St. Petersburg Startup Weekend, which will be held April 15-17 , we announced an experiment for talented programmers: "Tell me what your technology can do, and we will come up with a business project for you."

    If you have figured out how to make it easier and better to search for interesting acquaintances, the right music, answers to questions, work with files and many other everyday activities, give them life. Build a business on them!

    We received a lot of letters asking what kind of technology we have in mind. We answer.

    The Internet is in desperate need of the following technologies:

    1. Pattern recognition:
    • people
    • similar images / image search by specified criteria
    • pornography
    • handwritten texts
    • speech (Speech-Text, Text-Speech)
    2. Text analysis:
    • finding the answer to a question
    • search for texts related by topics, time, objects
    • statistical data analysis
    • text sentiment analysis
    3. Recommended services:
    • collaborative filtering
    • ranking of objects: people, music, images, books, job seekers, etc.
    And this is not the whole list!

    If you are talented programmers, and you have a useful technology lying around in your desk - do not hide it from the world. Write to, come to the Weekend in St. Petersburg , and Arkady Moreynis and other prominent Runet experts ( and not only Runet! ) Will tell you what to do with it to change the world.

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