We are trying to open our own business. Part 2

    This is a continuation of the topic "Trying to open your own business . "
    For the time being, there aren’t any technical issues, however, there are some interesting points.

    Who cares ...

    So the first thing I want to say and thank you is that a friend opens the store now himself, I showed him the comments from the previous post and suggested that he do everything himself, especially since he built his land and store with his own money. He reacted absolutely normal. I also help him in everything related to the store, so everything is excellent in this regard.

    Let's get down to business.

    Documents, execution

    On the advice of commentators from the past topic, he chose the IP. Registration un procedure is not complicated. And where it is described a lot, I won’t copy-paste, I’ll just give a link .

    In reality, there are also no problems with registration, you just need to wait a while (1-2 weeks).

    Fire inspection

    The fire department is also quite adequate people. A fire inspector will answer your questions, tell you what specific requirements will be for your premises. We have this:

    • Two fire extinguishers. We stopped at the OU-2 (Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. It is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain)
    • Emergency exit
    • Plan scheme. (The ways to exit the premises should be indicated, if there is where the fire notification button is located, if there is where the phone is located, where the fire extinguishers are located.
    • Fire safety training required.
    • It is necessary to appoint a fire safety officer.
    • The person responsible should provide fire safety training and keep a journal where employees will sign.
    • In a place accessible to all there should be a sign (sticker) who is responsible for fire safety.
    • Fire alarm. It is possible with registration to the remote, but then you need to pay every month, therefore, there will be an ordinary "relic".


    The tax is also absolutely adequate people. All explained explained. In general, UTII (for stores with an area of ​​more than 150 m 2, a simplified tax system). We decided this way - the first month or two zero income, and then for any profit 4,000 r. per month - quite tolerable.

    District administration

    Absolutely not adequate people in the administration. They do not give permission to trade, due to the fact that the room "does not meet the requirements." Requirements are as follows: The room must be collapsible (the advertisement of the metal profile follows). The fact that the fire department has no complaints about the room does not bother them. The request to indicate these requirements in any GOST or document is ignored. I wrote an email to the President of the Russian Federation (it already helped once), I am waiting for an answer at the moment. I tried to find something on the net, also did not find anything. If anyone has any information, please share.

    Finishing, repair

    In order to save, we decided to do everything ourselves. Everything turned out to be simple.


    There were uneven walls, putty on the 4 walls “jamshut” was rated at 5000 rubles to “drink a thousand people”!
    We just decided - texture paint. In the household, they picked up the color, told how to dilute and how to apply. We bought a nozzle for a drill (mixer), a putty and a raised roller. We put paint on the wall with a putty, roll it with a roller, giving the texture.
    As a result, the walls look stylish and even.


    We decided to make a suspended ceiling. Since the budget is limited, we chose a ceiling assembled from a metal profile and 60cm tiles. "Jamshut" asked for work 350 rubles. per m 2 , we have ~ 25 m 2 , total ~ 8750 rubles.
    We decided to do it ourselves. In the same store, the guys told how to collect it approximately, there was also an instruction.
    It took a water level, a tape measure, a level, a pencil, a perforator (or a drill with the function of perforation), dupel nails and 4 days.

    The most difficult and important thing is every 60 cm (at our ceiling the guide spacing is 60 cm, you can, in principle, do it every 120 cm) to beat off the level with a hydraulic level (sorry for the pun) and mark with a pencil. Then, along these marks in a circle (along all walls), fix a corner on which all the guides will lie. As soon as you do this, the constructor is going to the ceiling. It remains only to hang it with special hooks to the ceiling. Sometimes the guides will have to be cut, I do not advise using a grinder, it is better to take a file for metal smaller and carefully saw, it will be more difficult, but the quality is higher.


    At first they thought to take special square blocks for this type of ceiling (in one block 4 fluorescent lamps), but changed their minds. The price of one block is about 350 rubles. We decided to buy energy-saving white lamps and cartridges for them. (1 white light bulb 35 W - 120 rubles, cartridge - 40 rubles).

    Carefully with a milling cutter (a nozzle on a drill) or a clerical knife, we cut out the holes in the tiles, having previously outlined the cartridge with a pencil. Under the ceiling we throw wires for the bulbs, put the tile with the hole in place, pull the wires through the cut hole, fasten the wires into the cartridge, insert the cartridge into the hole. Done.


    Our only mistake - we did not immediately think about wiring. There was a wiring, but we did not bother to inspect it. The wiring was in a terrible state and we decided to simply cut it and wipe it. We need 1 outlet, connect the air conditioning, connect the lighting, connect the street lighting, connect the fire alarm, connect the video surveillance. We decided that each element will be on a separate machine in order to immediately know where the problem is. We will bring wires to the outlet and the circuit breakers in the cable channels so as not to hollow the freshly painted walls. The rest is wiring under the ceiling. We also decided to purchase a two-zone electric meter, which will consider the consumed energy day and night separately, which will save money on the cost of energy for street lighting, video surveillance, fire alarms (although it really does not consume anything).


    It’s a rather problematic question, pounding like a sledgehammer. At first we thought to get a PC (nettop), put 1s, a cash register, a barcode scanner. BUT, as it turned out, for different kinds of goods there are different requirements for printing receipts. (Sometimes a simple thermal printer is not enough and you need a fiscal registrar) In general, all this is very expensive (Nettop - ~ 5,000 rubles., Kkm - ~ 18,000 rubles., Barcode scanner code - ~ 5000 rubles., thermal printer - ~ 10 000 rubles., 1C with a normal license ~ 14 000 rubles., total ~ 42 000).

    As a result, a friend decided to take an autonomous KKM with a screen and barcoders for about 20,000 rubles. This KKM has the ability to upload to 1C on a flash drive. In general, it is quite worthy, given that no hypermarket opens.

    Open an account

    This is the simplest thing that can be. An account was opened at the bank where I work.
    The list of documents may vary depending on the bank. But usually it is:
    1. Application for opening an account (written in the bank)
    2. Settlement and cash services agreement (also at the bank)
    3. Copy of the passport
    4. Notarized Copy of Certificate of Registration
    5. Notarized copy of tax registration certificate
    6. Extract from the Unified State Register (of which no more than 30 days)

    The issue price depends on the bank. We have it 1200 rubles (Opening an account + Bank-Client Online [Internet banking]).
    Monthly maintenance is 400 rubles. If there are no operations, then there will be no service charge.

    PS: That's what is currently being obtained: PPS: I plan further:

    1. Consider the same software for design (windows / linux)
    2. Organization of video surveillance
    3. Organization of an online store. (Product order, pre-order)
    4. We plan to arrange delivery. I will share my experience.
    5. Advertising
    6. How things are going ...

    UPD: Regarding the wiring, or rather, how the machines are organized, I will also describe in the next article. I am not a professional electrician, but it seems to me that I did much better than what was done before me.

    Oh yeah, I'll give you a link to the online store of one of the suppliers.

    Generally, you need to communicate with each supplier, maybe they will give a discount ... it should also be noted that something is cheaper to take in Khabarovsk, something in Vladivostok, if you take containers, of course, in Japan.

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