Kinect - an advanced sensor for robots

    Such a wonderful device as Kinect could not help but attract the attention of various homemade products. And a week after the start of sales, the controller protocol was hacked .

    The site is already running and now Kinect can be used for various installations or as an advanced robot sensor.

    A library has already been created for working with Kinect under Processing and a plugin for openFrameworks - ofxKinect , which works in conjunction with OpenCV.

    It can already be seen on iRobot and PR2 .

    Kinect + ROS:

    What can I say - the sensor is very, very interesting!

    Unfortunately, the price of this device is not very happy. In the United States, it sells for $ 149 (it is mentioned that Microsoft sells it at a loss-making price, hoping to get the money back on software), in Europe it costs 149 Euros, and in Russia it costs about 8,000 rubles.

    Kinect - OpenSource
    Kinect - One Week Later
    Kinect drivers for ROS coming together

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