WebMoney quietly and quietly strengthened the defense. Maybe some will have gags with payments

    WebMoney has strengthened the security of money transfers, in connection with which many can lose time and nerves.
    Since I already lost them, I am writing this post in order to get a profit, you have bypassed this rake.

    A picture to attract attention

    So, if you are a user of this system and plan to withdraw money in the foreseeable future, the new protection may work for you and overdo it.

    Details, instructions :

    WebMoney introduced SMS confirmation of financial transactions. It would seem great. The inconvenience arose in two ways:

    1. It was turned on by default, without asking anyone.
    2. No one was warned about this and no notification of inclusion.

    As a result, a new field came as a surprise to me, all the more so no text messages came.

    At the same time, SMS will be sent to the mobile number that you specified during registration , even if after that you changed it 10 times, forgot, confirmed the new numbers.

    If you have not changed the number since then, then skip step 1.

    Step 0 . We launch our keeper.

    Step 1 . Nowhere in the interfaces does the original contact phone number appear, and you can change it only through the WebMoney support.
    Using the wallet’s interface itself, it’s useless to contact support on this issue, so we’ll immediately call here: +7 (495) 7274333.
    Before making a call, we ’ll hammer in your current cell phone in the web interface and authorize it
    We ask by telephone that they manually drive this new telephone into their system. You may have to remember what the old one was (at least the number itself).

    Step 2 . If you turn over large sums and are ready to suffer for the sake of reinsurance, you can leave everything as it is, the codes will come to the current number.

    Step 3 . If you don’t have astronomical amounts there, and are too lazy to mess with the code, you can cancel it at the address .

    If the phone was changed recently, it will not work the first time.

    PS I hope this innovation will bring more headache to scammers than decent users.
    PPS Judging by the comments of commentators, the spontaneous inclusion of notifications is not very massive, not all users were affected.

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