Draganflyer X8 - the dream of any spy


    More and more miniature devices are appearing that can be indispensable automatic satellites of both a spy and an ordinary amateur, spying on neighbors. There are more and more devices, and many of them are something about which some kind of 007 back pair of “Bond” pieces could not have imagined. But an ordinary person can, and how. For example, what is the silent Draganflyer X8 worth, an unmanned miniature device that can carry the load in the form of a camera.

    The Draganflyer X8 is not a simple remote control helicopter. Firstly, it has a built-in GPS module. Secondly, this module is very accurate, it is capable of simultaneously tracking 16 satellites, which is very good for a small GPS module.

    The Draganflyer X8 can carry loads weighing up to 900 grams, which is a very decent load for such a small aircraft. In addition, the device also includes microSD, 3 gyroscopes, accelerometer, magnetometer. As you can see, the design of the device is very unusual, no screw on top - everything is done so that the "dragonfly" can soar in the air, soar silently, while taking off what the operator wants.

    Complete with this device also supplies a remotely controlled 10 megapixel camera and camcorder, capable of recording video in 1080p quality.

    An excellent model, which is currently the leader in the Draganflyer line. By the way, a very detailed review was already posted on Habréa similar device, one of the previous models, the Draganflyer X6. As you can see, in just a year, the UAV has become even more versatile, even more powerful, even more ... In short, spies of all stripes and ordinary townsfolk with money and the desire to spy can get a universal device for their purposes. Well, at least they cannot shoot these things.

    By the way, officially these devices are positioned as drones for professional photographers. Of course, a very convenient device that can take pictures of anything, and silently. Of course, the devices are very expensive, the same previous model cost 15 thousand US dollars, but still this is the price that TV channels, professional photographers and, of course, the military of all stripes can offer.

    It seems that there is no problem in equipping something like a night vision camera and looking through the windows of hotels and houses in search of compromising evidence. All in all, an almost perfect spy.

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