USE, admission, ratings - how to do better

    It is good when universities publish understandable and instantly updated on-line ratings of applicants. Now many are already doing it. However, it is still very difficult for an ordinary applicant to study and understand the situation. For example, if the rating is this (say, for 6 budget places):
    Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 275 points copy
    Petrov Petr Perovich 270 points copy
    Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich 250 points script
    Andreyev Andrey Andreevich 200 points copy
    Frolov Frol Frolovich 190 points script
    Olegov Oleg Olegovich 180 points copy
    Andeeva Anna Viktorovna 170 points copy
    Banzaev Ivan Ignatovich 150 points copy
    Ivanova Natalya Sergeevna 140 points copy
    Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich 130 points ?

    What are the chances of Sergeev to do?

    For the uninitiated, I remind you that only those who brought the originals, counting from the top of the list, do this (if it is a little easier to understand). What should Sergeyev do if the situation is similar in other universities?

    I am a representative of the provincial branch of a small Moscow university. While preparing and analyzing the surname lists of applicants, I came to very interesting conclusions that I want to talk about.

    For many years now, the ministry has been experimenting with the USE enrollment process. Examination in the Unified State Examination has been going on in our region for more than seven years (we are one of the first experimental regions), therefore many aspects are obvious and well studied to us. This year, the rules of enrollment changed again, and so many of the admissions committees still did not understand the whole procedure - they have completely different ideas about the “recommended” and “waves”. I hope that by August 4th everything will be more specific.

    The general idea of ​​implementing the exam is understandable. They wanted to do it abroad - the applicant sends out his data to universities, and the educational institutions decide which of the applicants to enroll. And this, as I understand it, happens within six months or a year.

    Our ministry decided to do the same. But real time for the choice of applicants was given 5 days (July 30 - August 4). Accordingly, stress, nerves, the wrong choice, bitten elbows.

    Therefore, for the convenience of analysis and selection, I downloaded and sorted the lists from all our regional universities and branches + another ten leading universities, where our students usually go. I stepped in and highlighted where the documents were submitted and whether there are originals. I added a column for the rating on our internal portal, where I entered all the universities and specialties, where the documents were submitted by the applicant. Highlighted in bold if the scripts. The result is something like this:
    Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 275 points copy SPbGU14, ENGECON4 , GUSE5, BONCH3
    Petrov Petr Perovich 270 points copy MGU4, BAUM17, MFTI2 , MFTI4
    Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich 250 points script
    Andreyev Andrey Andreevich 200 points copy Moscow State University7 , St. Petersburg State University2
    Frolov Frol Frolovich 190 points script
    Olegov Oleg Olegovich 180 points copy BAUM7, MIPT9
    Andeeva Anna Viktorovna 170 points copy FINEC , SPbSU7
    Banzaev Ivan Ignatovich 150 points copy FINEC, BAUM5
    Ivanova Natalya Sergeevna 140 points copy
    Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich 130 points ?

    The list shows that Ivanov from the first line has already submitted the originals to INECON. So the probability that he will go to us is much less. Similarly, Petrov (goes to MIPT), Andreev (at Moscow State University), etc. As a result, Sergeyev’s forecast accuracy increases significantly.
    I suppose to do automatic (by cron) downloading and parsing of rating lists. Then the situation with enrollment and chances for admission will be visible on-line.

    That's when I did this - I had a question, why others do not? And moreover, why didn’t the ministry do this? This would significantly reduce the hassle and make the competition and competition of applicants fairer. After all, the FBS base (USE results) is - so why not make a small add-on?

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