The Network posted the most accurate map of Mars

    The most accurate map of Mars to date has been posted on the Internet. To compile it, scientists used 21 thousand photographs taken by the Mars Odyssey orbital probe in eight years. The map can be viewed here , but in high resolution it lies here . A brief description of the card is provided in a press release on the NASA website.
    To obtain photographs, we used the THEMIS camera (Thermal Emission Imaging System - a camera that creates an image based on the analysis of thermal radiation) installed on the Mars Odyssey. Using a special program for combining and processing images, specialists were able to remove distortions associated with the features of the camera’s optics on the final map.

    The spatial resolution of the map is 100 meters for the entire territory of the Red Planet. Higher resolution maps exist for selected regions of Mars, but the new map is the most detailed of the existing global Martian maps. Moreover, everyone can manually improve the map by correcting the images on the Be a Martian website .

    Most recently, astronomers for the first time received a complete map of the surface of Mercury - the planet closest to the Sun of the solar system. It was compiled using approximately a thousand photographs taken by the Messenger and Mariner 10 probes .

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