Twitter and finance

    In previous posts, we talked about our service and showed how it can be used to generate invoices and acts .

    One of our main goals is to simplify the entry of data on our income and expenses. For example, using Twitter.

    I think it’s not worth talking about the growing popularity of this social network. At the moment, according to Yandex, the number of Russian-speaking Twitter users is 186,466. There are a huge number of clients for Twitter, including for mobile devices. And we decided that it would be nice to combine the calculation of voiced coins with the composition of short messages.

    Connect twitter account to Finobox

    To Finobox learned about your twitter-account, it is necessary to inform our specially trained bot - finobot (finobo t , finobox we left for news)

    must be "zafollovit" For this bot. We write

    follow finobot

    on our twitter and get a response message with an activation code and a link:

    By default, all payments fall into “Expenses”. But you can assign any other panel in twitter account management .

    How to write messages

    You can enter income and expenses using direct messages in the name finobot:

    d finobot amount description

    Attention! If you write a message from the direct messages page and select finobot from the list of recipients, it means that Twitter has already added the “d finobot” control line to the beginning of the message, no need to duplicate it.

    For example:

    d finobot 150 ice cream, 480 flowers

    You can specify the name of the recipient using the "dog" (@):

    d finobot 150 ice cream @ children, 480 flowers @

    women Payments can be assigned tags:

    d finobot 150 ice cream @ children # sweets, 480 flowers @ babe #blonde #investment

    You can also indicate in the message a panel where payments will go
    d finobot 150 ice cream @ children, 480 flowers @ a woman < Rest

    You can connect several tweeters and configure each panel for each, for example, the husband manages the entire account, the wife sends payments to the “Family budget” panel, and children in the School panel.

    You can familiarize yourself with all the features in a special guide.

    Our bot runs on a trial period and is active once every 10 minutes (that is, payments do not reach finobox instantly). There may be some roughness in the work (read the beta version).

    As always, we will be very grateful for your feedback and suggestions.

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