German aerial photographs of Leningrad 1942

    I recently stumbled upon one wonderful site , which contains aerial photographs of the Second World War, made from German aircraft. The bulk of the posted images falls on 3 cities (and their environs): Leningrad, Stalingrad and Warsaw.


    Aerial view of Leningrad, May 1, 1942.

    Moreover, in the pictures indicated as Leningrad, I found several pictures in the Kirov region. Pictures differ in resolution, if for Warsaw and Leningrad the resolution is up to 2 meters per pixel, then for Stalingrad a maximum of about 10.


    Aerial view of Stalingrad, Mamaev Kurgan, September 17, 1942.

    Seeing all this splendor, I decided to tackle and glue the pictures, especially since the 65th anniversary of the victory is on the nose.
    For starters, I’m posting a mosaic of pictures of Kronstadt and Leningrad. All pictures of 1942, from May to September. Most of them are covered with images ~ 2.5 and ~ 4 m / p.

    what eventually happened .

    Download AerialWWII.zmp , to view images using SAS. Planet.

    Tied to the surviving buildings, in the absence of such, tried to find similar features of the terrain (tried to act, as carefully as possible, double-checked everything several times). I took Google for the standard (and what to do). The entire mosaic is made of 63 pictures. One 2-meter sheet, in the original, covers an area of ​​about 2x2 km.

    PS The pictures are not all added, I will try to finish in a couple of weeks.

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