How to build a binary deb package: a detailed HowTo
Today I will tell you on an abstract example how to correctly create a * .deb package for Ubuntu / Debian. Package we will do binary. Packages compiling binaries from source codes are not considered here: having mastered the knowledge set forth below, you can understand the essence and act by analogy with ready-made examples :)
In the article there will be no unnecessary fuss “manually”: the package format has evolved into a fairly simple, and most importantly - logical structure, and everything is done literally on the knee, using a couple of specialized utilities.
As a bonus, at the end of the article there will be an example of quickly creating your own local repository: installing packages from the repository allows you to automatically track dependencies, and of course! - install everything with one console command on several machines :)
For those who don’t want to go into a powerful Linux software installation system, I recommend visiting the CheckInstall program website : it automatically creates a deb package from the “make install” command;) And we, along with the curious ones,
Nadirgan information from many places, but here are two main:
The article sets out in detail the basics of creating packages that are sufficient to get quite powerful application installation control. More advanced features are omitted, but direct links to documentation for those interested are offered.
The article is not a copy or translation of any documentation: it is a collection of knowledge lying in the form of notes, and now designed as an article. For clarity, there are examples everywhere, explanations on the fingers, convenient features I found and some typical mistakes that can be made out of ignorance.
Yes, CheckInstall can create a working package, but it does not support all the goodies deb packages are capable of :) :) Namely:
Of course, tar, gz, ar archivers are enough to create a full package, but you can eliminate unnecessary fuss and use the tools created to make life easier :)
We put:
For example, a certain script /usr/bin/ will be considered. It doesn’t matter what's inside, the main thing is how it will appear in the right place :)
In your home directory (or wherever is convenient) create a folder in which to lay all the files of the future package:
In the root of the package, create the “DEBIAN” folder (in capital letters, this is important!). This folder contains information that controls the generation of the package, and is not copied to disk when installing the package.
Also, the package root folder contains the future “disk root”: when installing the package, all files (except the “debian” folder) are unpacked to the / root. therefore, our script should lie in this way, relative to the root of the package: "usr / bin /"
White on black: As a result, we have:
As I said, the DEBIAN folder contains the files used during installation. Here I will describe (with examples) each file.
To create a full-fledged package, the control file “control” is enough, all the rest are used either to attach text information (changelog, license), or to control advanced installation capabilities of applications.
From the files described below in the DEBIAN / * folder, select the necessary ones and fill out according to the instructions :)
In our example, only the required DEBIAN / control is really used .
control is the central file of the package that describes all the basic properties. A file is a text file consisting of the “Attribute: Value” pairs. Comments can be used: the "#" character at the beginning of the line (the feature was added in dpkg> = 1.10.11, you should not rely on comments :).
The table shows all the fields defined for the control file. Mandatory fields are marked in bold : without them, the package will not be considered correctly composed.
Yes, these are the solid features of the control file :)
And in our example, it looks like this:
The text of the license. The file is optional, but it is better to emphasize your authorship;)
Changelog in a special format: used by dpkg to get the version number, revision, distribution, and importance of the package. It is better to look in the official documentation ;) and I will only give an example:
Used to control the compilation of the package: this is when
See the official documentation
Usually packages contain blanks for configuration files, for example, hosted in / etc. Obviously, if the config in the package is updated, the user will lose his edited config. This problem can be easily solved using folders of the “config.d” type, the contents of which are included in the main config, replacing the duplicate options.
The “DEBIAN / conffiles” file allows you to solve the problem differently: it contains a list of configuration files (one per line). If in the current version of the package one of these files is updated, then the user receives a warning about the conflict of versions of the configs, and can choose: delete, replace, or make merge.
Each Linuxoid digging in configs surely faced this situation :) And legs grow from here.
On each line there should be a complete absolute path to each config. For instance:
“A list of absolute paths to folders that the program requires, but for some reason are not created.” Reads the official documentation. In practice, all folders are listed here, one way or another used by the program: where the binaries are and which are used by the program.
One per line. For example: It is convenient to use to create several empty folders.
A tricky file for creating menu items. It never worked for me :) One gets the feeling that its contents are used either in unusual window managers, or in some console menu ... or it was used earlier and was forgotten :)
Example: TODO: find out why. This is written in , frankly, I did not delve :)
The file / DEBIAN / menu creates it is unknown what and it is not clear where: the elements of the graphic menu are still not created. Therefore, we will do it right :)
After that, you need to add the execution of the menu update command to the postinst script
Used to verify package integrity. Important file.
Filled like this (cwd = package root):
The function is useful if you maintain from dozens of packages, and keeping track of all updates is difficult.
The file contains instructions for the uscan and uupdate programs. Using this opportunity, you can monitor the site from where the source code for the package was received, and provide quality control of the distribution as a whole.
Example: And another example for uscan (1): Better read the official documentation , such powerful things are not often required by mere mortals :)
The file contains a crontab piece for installation. An example explains everything:
The contents of the init script are written to this file. About writing init scripts on the Internet, you can find
We came to the most interesting: embedding scripts in deb packages. Scripts allow you to control the installation, reinstallation, and removal of a package by performing actions that cannot be done by simply copying files to the correct places. This can be downloading additional files (as flash-installer does), changing existing ones, and also displaying interactive (GUI or ncurses) dialogs that allow the user to configure the package for themselves: for example, mysql asks which password to set for root.
All scripts are run as root (and what else :). They also receive arguments (which it is not necessary to process) that specify at what stage the installation is. Read more about it here .
In total, you can create up to four scripts in one package:
Please note that errors that occur in these scripts are not logged in any way : nothing more interesting than the script return code is saved anywhere, and logging must be done manually! Users of one of my packages failed to install on Linux Mint, and it was not even possible to ask them for an error log (which is not available) to get the reason :) I
recommend using the following disc at the beginning of each script: it will save all errors that occur in syslog. WARNING: the disc has not yet been tested extensively, check again! I came across the impossibility of debugging recently :)
As already mentioned, in the DEBIAN / config script you can ask the user questions: enter a line, select one of the options, put a check mark ... This is done by the “library” of bash functions of the debhelper package debconf, which is capable of besides a lot of useful things. I don’t consider them here :)
The DEBIAN / templates file contains data used to display dialog boxes (GUI or ncurses). The file contains blocks separated by an empty string. Each block defines the resources used in one particular dialog box.
The header for all types of dialogs is standard: Template - a unique (within the same package) identifier for the template. If in a script you need to call a specific dialog, this name is used.
Type - type of template. The following types are defined: string, password, boolean, select, multiselect, text, note, error.
Default-value - the default value: the user can simply accept it.
Description - as in the control file, consists of two fields: a short description, and a long text. The first is the title of the “window,” the second is a more detailed description of what is required of the user. It is recommended not to use words like “enter”, but immediately the essence: “Greeting script”, “Mount point”, ...
For text, note, error templates, there is also no Default value, since they only display information :)
Let's play with the following template:
These are just workable drafts. You can read about the templates and working with them in the original here:
To use the templates in your DEBIAN / config configuration script, you must first enable the debhelper: functions
These features are available in the debconf package, remember to enable it depending!
Primitive use case. DEBIAN / config file
There is already an unpleasant ambush here: note that the priority of the medium dialog is passed to the db_input function. For debconf, you can set the minimum priority: dialogs with a priority below which are not displayed, but the default value (Default template) is taken! To prevent this from happening EXACTLY, we use critical priority :) In addition, when installing from the GUI, the output threshold for questions is higher, and many of them are not displayed at all.
Possible priorities: low - default is always used, medium - default is usually quite suitable, high - default is undesirable, critical - user attention is vital.
В этом скрипте тоже рекомендуется использовать ту болванку для отлова ошибок, иначе с распространяемым пакетом могут возникнуть проблемы при отладке :)
Все тонкости использования debconf (функции, способы, параметры, коды ошибок) описаны в достаточно многословном мане:
И последнее: при удалении пакета командой purge — debconf должен также вычистить из своей базы сведения о пакете. Например, он сохраняет выбор пользователя при запросах db_input.
Чтобы вычистить эти данные, нужно в postinst-скрипт добавить следующее:
Hurrah! All the necessary files are created, are on the right daddies. Now it's time to build the package :)
The first thing to do is to recursively expose all the files in the root of the user package and the root: root group (or others, if necessary). This is necessary because the package files are packaged in a tar.gz archive which saves both file permissions and the owner. Therefore, you must perform: However, this is not necessary. There is an excellent fakeroot command which, when creating an archive, will replace the owner of the file with root. In our example, the script should have a feasibility bit. Then we go back to the folder so that the root folder of the package is visible, and the package is created with alight kick itself:
The created package must be renamed so that it matches the naming order of * .deb packages: <package name> _ <version> _ <architecture> .deb
That's it, the package is ready!
There is a lintian utility that allows you to check the package and identify typical errors in its structure. It is done like this:
Now we have our own package. When there will be several of them, and even more so with dependencies, it turns out that it is much more convenient to quickly raise your own local micro-repository and include it in the list of package manager sources :) Here I will describe the quick HowTo “how to create your own repository”. The idea will be easy to develop, reading the relevant documentation :)
First, install the assistant:
Repository Center - its description. The main thing in it is the list of repository components. We will create the “soft” and “games” components.
Select a folder for the future repository. All actions are performed from its root.
We create a conf / distributions file with the following content: In our business of creating a simple repository, all fields do not play a fundamental role, and are used only for visual definition of “what is what” :)
The repository is described! Now we will generate a blank based on the description. The commands are executed at the root of the repository: And add the finished repository to /etc/apt/sources.list: This repository can also be shared using a web server.
In the root of the repository, put * .deb files to add, and add them to the soft component of the karmic distribution:
now the packages are available from the package manager :)
Removing packages:
This article discusses materials for creating deb packages. The emphasis is on moments for which the network does not have a sufficiently clear description. I hope that my attempt to state it simply and clearly did not fail :)
Homework :)) are quite well-documented things that are easy to find in man's and articles:
UPD: @ ICD2 suggests that there is a GUI program for creating packages: GiftWrap .
Cheers! :)
PS There are probably inaccuracies and errors in the article. Let's comb her together! :)
In the article there will be no unnecessary fuss “manually”: the package format has evolved into a fairly simple, and most importantly - logical structure, and everything is done literally on the knee, using a couple of specialized utilities.
As a bonus, at the end of the article there will be an example of quickly creating your own local repository: installing packages from the repository allows you to automatically track dependencies, and of course! - install everything with one console command on several machines :)
For those who don’t want to go into a powerful Linux software installation system, I recommend visiting the CheckInstall program website : it automatically creates a deb package from the “make install” command;) And we, along with the curious ones,
Nadirgan information from many places, but here are two main:
- Opennet: L Introduction to creating packages for the GNU Debian / Linux distribution
- Debian Policy Manual - Official
- Ubuntu Wiki: PackagingGuide / Basic
The article sets out in detail the basics of creating packages that are sufficient to get quite powerful application installation control. More advanced features are omitted, but direct links to documentation for those interested are offered.
The article is not a copy or translation of any documentation: it is a collection of knowledge lying in the form of notes, and now designed as an article. For clarity, there are examples everywhere, explanations on the fingers, convenient features I found and some typical mistakes that can be made out of ignorance.
Why is this all?
Yes, CheckInstall can create a working package, but it does not support all the goodies deb packages are capable of :) :) Namely:
- Scripts that run before, after,
and instead ofinstalling the package :) - Automatic configuration file management: the package will not allow overwriting old configs with new ones without demand
- Working with templates: the ability to ask the user questions during installation (!!!)
- Modify other package files
What is required
Of course, tar, gz, ar archivers are enough to create a full package, but you can eliminate unnecessary fuss and use the tools created to make life easier :)
We put:
$ sudo apt-get install dpkg debconf debhelper lintian
What will we do
For example, a certain script /usr/bin/ will be considered. It doesn’t matter what's inside, the main thing is how it will appear in the right place :)
Folder preparation
In your home directory (or wherever is convenient) create a folder in which to lay all the files of the future package:
mkdir ~/supersh
. Next, we will call its package root . In the root of the package, create the “DEBIAN” folder (in capital letters, this is important!). This folder contains information that controls the generation of the package, and is not copied to disk when installing the package.
Also, the package root folder contains the future “disk root”: when installing the package, all files (except the “debian” folder) are unpacked to the / root. therefore, our script should lie in this way, relative to the root of the package: "usr / bin /"
White on black: As a result, we have:
mkdir -p ~/supersh/DEBIAN # управляющая папка
mkdir -p ~/supersh/usr/bin # путь к скрипту
cp ~/supersh/usr/bin/ # копируем наш скрипт в нужное место
Create Package: DEBIAN / *
As I said, the DEBIAN folder contains the files used during installation. Here I will describe (with examples) each file.
To create a full-fledged package, the control file “control” is enough, all the rest are used either to attach text information (changelog, license), or to control advanced installation capabilities of applications.
From the files described below in the DEBIAN / * folder, select the necessary ones and fill out according to the instructions :)
In our example, only the required DEBIAN / control is really used .
DEBIAN / control: Basic Information
control is the central file of the package that describes all the basic properties. A file is a text file consisting of the “Attribute: Value” pairs. Comments can be used: the "#" character at the beginning of the line (the feature was added in dpkg> = 1.10.11, you should not rely on comments :).
The table shows all the fields defined for the control file. Mandatory fields are marked in bold : without them, the package will not be considered correctly composed.
Yes, these are the solid features of the control file :)
And in our example, it looks like this:
Package: supersh
Version: 1.0-1
Section: misc
Architecture: all
Depends: bash, sed (>= 3.02-8)
Maintainer: o_O Tync
Description: Super Shell Script
␣A super example script.
␣It does nothing :)
DEBIAN / copyright: © / license
The text of the license. The file is optional, but it is better to emphasize your authorship;)
DEBIAN / changelog: change history
Changelog in a special format: used by dpkg to get the version number, revision, distribution, and importance of the package. It is better to look in the official documentation ;) and I will only give an example:
supersh (1.0-1) stable; urgency=medium
* Testing.
-- o_O Tync Sun, 13 Dec 2009 00:11:46 +0300
DEBIAN / rules: compilation rules
Used to control the compilation of the package: this is when
Architeture: source
:) See the official documentation
DEBIAN / conffiles: list of configuration files
Usually packages contain blanks for configuration files, for example, hosted in / etc. Obviously, if the config in the package is updated, the user will lose his edited config. This problem can be easily solved using folders of the “config.d” type, the contents of which are included in the main config, replacing the duplicate options.
The “DEBIAN / conffiles” file allows you to solve the problem differently: it contains a list of configuration files (one per line). If in the current version of the package one of these files is updated, then the user receives a warning about the conflict of versions of the configs, and can choose: delete, replace, or make merge.
Each Linuxoid digging in configs surely faced this situation :) And legs grow from here.
On each line there should be a complete absolute path to each config. For instance:
DEBIAN / dirs: list of folders to create
“A list of absolute paths to folders that the program requires, but for some reason are not created.” Reads the official documentation. In practice, all folders are listed here, one way or another used by the program: where the binaries are and which are used by the program.
One per line. For example: It is convenient to use to create several empty folders.
DEBIAN / menu: creating menu items
A tricky file for creating menu items. It never worked for me :) One gets the feeling that its contents are used either in unusual window managers, or in some console menu ... or it was used earlier and was forgotten :)
Example: TODO: find out why. This is written in , frankly, I did not delve :)
?package(supersh):needs="text" section="Applications/Programming" title="Super Shell Script" command="/usr/bin/"
man5 menufile
UPD: The correct way to add a menu item
The file / DEBIAN / menu creates it is unknown what and it is not clear where: the elements of the graphic menu are still not created. Therefore, we will do it right :)
see a bunch of *.desktop
files: these are the menu items. They are text files with syntax like an ini file. We open, study, do the same and put the resulting *.desktop
file in usr/share/applications/
. The icon for it should be in usr/share/pixmaps
. After that, you need to add the execution of the menu update command to the postinst script
Working with package installation scripts will be discussed later.
Thanks Condorious for the tip :)if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ] ; then
DEBIAN / md5sums: file checksums
Used to verify package integrity. Important file.
Filled like this (cwd = package root):
$ md5deep -r usr > DEBIAN/md5sums
DEBIAN / watch: monitoring the site from where the program was downloaded
The function is useful if you maintain from dozens of packages, and keeping track of all updates is difficult.
The file contains instructions for the uscan and uupdate programs. Using this opportunity, you can monitor the site from where the source code for the package was received, and provide quality control of the distribution as a whole.
Example: And another example for uscan (1): Better read the official documentation , such powerful things are not often required by mere mortals :)
# Site Directory Pattern Version Script /gentoo gentoo-(.*)\.tar\.gz debian uupdate
DEBIAN / cron.d: installing cron jobs
The file contains a crontab piece for installation. An example explains everything:
# Launches periodically
0 4 * * * root [ -x /usr/bin/ ] && usr/bin/
DEBIAN / inid.d: init script
The contents of the init script are written to this file. About writing init scripts on the Internet, you can find
We came to the most interesting: embedding scripts in deb packages. Scripts allow you to control the installation, reinstallation, and removal of a package by performing actions that cannot be done by simply copying files to the correct places. This can be downloading additional files (as flash-installer does), changing existing ones, and also displaying interactive (GUI or ncurses) dialogs that allow the user to configure the package for themselves: for example, mysql asks which password to set for root.
All scripts are run as root (and what else :). They also receive arguments (which it is not necessary to process) that specify at what stage the installation is. Read more about it here .
DEBIAN / (preinst | postinst | prerm | postrm): installation scripts
In total, you can create up to four scripts in one package:
Script | Appointment |
DEBIAN / preinst | Performed before installing the package: it can prepare something for a successful installation |
DEBIAN / postinst | It is executed immediately after installing the package: it configures the installed package so that it is ready for use. The package is also interactively configured here: this is done using dh_input and the DEBIAN / templates file |
DEBIAN / prerm | It is executed immediately before the package is uninstalled: usually this script cleans the installation paths of the package so that nothing is left behind :) |
DEBIAN / postrm | It is executed immediately after the package is removed: it cleans up the remains |
Please note that errors that occur in these scripts are not logged in any way : nothing more interesting than the script return code is saved anywhere, and logging must be done manually! Users of one of my packages failed to install on Linux Mint, and it was not even possible to ask them for an error log (which is not available) to get the reason :) I
recommend using the following disc at the beginning of each script: it will save all errors that occur in syslog. WARNING: the disc has not yet been tested extensively, check again! I came across the impossibility of debugging recently :)
set -e # fail on any error
set -u # treat unset variables as errors
# ======[ Trap Errors ]======#
set -E # let shell functions inherit ERR trap
# Trap non-normal exit signals:
# 1/HUP, 2/INT, 3/QUIT, 15/TERM, ERR
trap err_handler 1 2 3 15 ERR
function err_handler {
local exit_status=${1:-$?}
logger -s -p "syslog.err" -t "ootync.deb" "supersh.deb script '$0' error code $exit_status (line $BASH_LINENO: '$BASH_COMMAND')"
exit $exit_status
... Ваш код установочного скрипта ...
exit 0
DEBIAN / templates: dialog templates
As already mentioned, in the DEBIAN / config script you can ask the user questions: enter a line, select one of the options, put a check mark ... This is done by the “library” of bash functions of the debhelper package debconf, which is capable of besides a lot of useful things. I don’t consider them here :)
The DEBIAN / templates file contains data used to display dialog boxes (GUI or ncurses). The file contains blocks separated by an empty string. Each block defines the resources used in one particular dialog box.
The header for all types of dialogs is standard: Template - a unique (within the same package) identifier for the template. If in a script you need to call a specific dialog, this name is used.
Template: supersh/template-name
Type: string
Default: Default-value
Description: Dialog-title
Type - type of template. The following types are defined: string, password, boolean, select, multiselect, text, note, error.
Default-value - the default value: the user can simply accept it.
Description - as in the control file, consists of two fields: a short description, and a long text. The first is the title of the “window,” the second is a more detailed description of what is required of the user. It is recommended not to use words like “enter”, but immediately the essence: “Greeting script”, “Mount point”, ...
A type | Template Description |
string | Text prompt |
password | Password prompt. There is no Default value for this type of template for obvious reasons :) |
boolean | Checkmark :) Has a string value of “true” or “false” |
select | The ability to choose one of several options. Options are offered in the optional template attribute: Choices: yes, no, maybe |
multiselect | The ability to select multiple options with check marks. Options are offered in the optional template attribute: Choices: sex, drugs, rock-n-roll |
text | Displays the text: some not very important information |
note | Displays text: important information |
error | Displays the text: very important information, critical. |
For text, note, error templates, there is also no Default value, since they only display information :)
Let's play with the following template:
Template: supersh/greeting
Type: string
Description: Welcome message
␣The message you wish the script to welcome you with.
Default: Greetings, my master!
The basics of using debconf and debhelper
These are just workable drafts. You can read about the templates and working with them in the original here:
man 7 debconf-devel
:) To use the templates in your DEBIAN / config configuration script, you must first enable the debhelper: functions
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
. Also, this file must be included in the postinst script: otherwise the DEBIAN / config script will not execute at all! These features are available in the debconf package, remember to enable it depending!
Primitive use case. DEBIAN / config file
#!/bin/bash -e
# Подключение команд debconf
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
case "$1" in
# Запрос
db_input medium "supersh/greeting" || true # инициализация
db_go || true # вывод запроса на экран
# Обработка ответа
db_get "supersh/greeting" # Получение значения в переменную $RET
echo "$greeting" > /etc/supersh/greeting.txt
echo "config called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
exit 1
# Запрос
db_input medium "supersh/greeting" || true # инициализация
db_go || true # вывод запроса на экран
# Обработка ответа
db_get "supersh/greeting" # Получение значения в переменную $RET
echo "$greeting" > /etc/supersh/greeting.txt
There is already an unpleasant ambush here: note that the priority of the medium dialog is passed to the db_input function. For debconf, you can set the minimum priority: dialogs with a priority below which are not displayed, but the default value (Default template) is taken! To prevent this from happening EXACTLY, we use critical priority :) In addition, when installing from the GUI, the output threshold for questions is higher, and many of them are not displayed at all.
Possible priorities: low - default is always used, medium - default is usually quite suitable, high - default is undesirable, critical - user attention is vital.
|| true
used to prevent the script from dying due to the "-e" key passed to bash.В этом скрипте тоже рекомендуется использовать ту болванку для отлова ошибок, иначе с распространяемым пакетом могут возникнуть проблемы при отладке :)
Все тонкости использования debconf (функции, способы, параметры, коды ошибок) описаны в достаточно многословном мане:
man debconf-devel
.И последнее: при удалении пакета командой purge — debconf должен также вычистить из своей базы сведения о пакете. Например, он сохраняет выбор пользователя при запросах db_input.
Чтобы вычистить эти данные, нужно в postinst-скрипт добавить следующее:
if [ "$1" == "purge" ] && [ -e /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ] ; then
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
Собираем пакет! :)
Hurrah! All the necessary files are created, are on the right daddies. Now it's time to build the package :)
The first thing to do is to recursively expose all the files in the root of the user package and the root: root group (or others, if necessary). This is necessary because the package files are packaged in a tar.gz archive which saves both file permissions and the owner. Therefore, you must perform: However, this is not necessary. There is an excellent fakeroot command which, when creating an archive, will replace the owner of the file with root. In our example, the script should have a feasibility bit. Then we go back to the folder so that the root folder of the package is visible, and the package is created with a
$ sudo chown -R root:root .
$ fakeroot dpkg-deb --build supersh
The created package must be renamed so that it matches the naming order of * .deb packages: <package name> _ <version> _ <architecture> .deb
$ mv supersh.deb supersh_1.0-1_all.deb
That's it, the package is ready!
Automatic package check
There is a lintian utility that allows you to check the package and identify typical errors in its structure. It is done like this:
$ lintian supersh_1.0-1_all.deb
Package installation
$ sudo dpkg -i supersh_1.0-1_all.deb
Create your own package repository
Now we have our own package. When there will be several of them, and even more so with dependencies, it turns out that it is much more convenient to quickly raise your own local micro-repository and include it in the list of package manager sources :) Here I will describe the quick HowTo “how to create your own repository”. The idea will be easy to develop, reading the relevant documentation :)
First, install the assistant:
$ sudo apt-get install reprepro
Description of the future repository
Repository Center - its description. The main thing in it is the list of repository components. We will create the “soft” and “games” components.
Select a folder for the future repository. All actions are performed from its root.
We create a conf / distributions file with the following content: In our business of creating a simple repository, all fields do not play a fundamental role, and are used only for visual definition of “what is what” :)
Description: my local repository
Origin: Ubuntu
Suite: testing
AlsoAcceptFor: unstable experimental
Codename: karmic
Version: 5.0
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: soft games
UDebComponents: soft games
Create Repository
The repository is described! Now we will generate a blank based on the description. The commands are executed at the root of the repository: And add the finished repository to /etc/apt/sources.list: This repository can also be shared using a web server.
$ reprepro export
$ reprepro createsymlinks
deb file:///path/to/repo/ karmic soft games
Manage packages in the repository
In the root of the repository, put * .deb files to add, and add them to the soft component of the karmic distribution:
reprepro -C soft includedeb karmic *.deb
now the packages are available from the package manager :)
Removing packages:
reprepro -C soft remove karmic supersh
This article discusses materials for creating deb packages. The emphasis is on moments for which the network does not have a sufficiently clear description. I hope that my attempt to state it simply and clearly did not fail :)
Homework :)) are quite well-documented things that are easy to find in man's and articles:
- Creation of source packages compiling source codes: the example of Zabbix was perfectly described by hahor browser mahoro in his article
- Debconf, debhelper in configuration scripts: read mana by debconf-devel and debhelper. They also allow you to create a package skeleton with the dh_make command.
- Advanced ways to create documentation in packages: files DEBIAN / docs, DEBIAN / manpage. *
- Creating init scripts
- Cron job management
- Repository signing with gpg key
UPD: @ ICD2 suggests that there is a GUI program for creating packages: GiftWrap .
Cheers! :)
PS There are probably inaccuracies and errors in the article. Let's comb her together! :)