Nail into the lid of the coffin, or Oda EPS

    Inspired by this theme .

    So, it’s time for someone to hammer the last nail into the coffin of the “traditional” payment systems, and more precisely, into the banking system as such.

    Thanks to the crisis, he only opened an old abscess.

    It has existed for more than 100 years without any significant changes. The fact that bone counts and arithmometers were replaced by computers does not change the essence of this system. Its high cost, slowness, and “transparency” for tax and other bodies are no longer a secret to anyone. Imaginary customer care causes a skeptic smirk rather than a desire to somehow challenge this statement. Is it possible that a “beloved client” can bend a banking institution into a pose of a broken birch tree, say, under the threat of selecting a license, to force it to provide confidential data about another client?
    And any government agency can. And how! And all because it holds the institution directly or indirectly for the Voberger with his strong hand.
    So banks turned from “banks for storing money” into a kind of informer of tax officers and other security officials.

    What about “posting” money for 3-5 days? Do they take them by the handle along their corridors and vaults? And the “crediting” of received money only the next day? By marinating our money for several days under various unconvincing pretexts, banks thereby lend interest-free!

    And who pays considerable salaries to numerous clerks, department heads, loan officers, operation officers, security services, etc. etc?

    Yes, in general, we are friends! And they asked us - do we want to do this or not?

    So, pay tribute to tradition and keep money in banks? Stupid and short-sighted.

    1. MASSA of people for whom you are not a relative, not a friend and not a business partner knows a priori about your money and account movements. And to give or not to give someone an exhaustive information on you is just a matter of time or someone else's interest.

    In the electronic payment systems (EPS) we are considering, at least there are no mass of clerks, i.e. physical people with access.
    Your money is a couple of lines in a certain database managed by a super admin, administrator, host or trustee and having access to the outside world via the WEB interface.

    And that’s all!
    Moreover, often all of these people are physically located in different jurisdictions, moreover, often nobody really knows the real names, tax numbers and other IDs.

    2. Simply throwing you money for the bank is not a problem. The probability of a return is negligible. How much does the bank have in the service of lawyers and other hookers? And you?
    There are a lot of reasons and excuses to send you away - crisis, defaults, “bad loans”, exchange rate leaps, system failures, there is simply not enough money.

    Alternative - EPS?

    It’s scary to entrust your money with incomprehensible to whom and it is not clear where? Do you seriously think that having a license, a 10-story building, a smart-looking manager in a $ 1000 suit will guarantee you that everything will be fine with money?

    So - what are the strengths of EPS?
    First of all, a strong dependence of their reputation and, accordingly, the availability of working money on customer reviews.

    It’s worth the EPS to behave ugly, as millions of people immediately find out about this, for whom the Internet is a familiar habitat and they constantly monitor the situation, unlike aunts of accountants 35-45 years old, who make up the vast majority of walkers in banks and tax.

    But this is not the main thing. The trick is that EPSs do not operate with their own and non-client money, but not even with money at all. Defacto EPS are independent emission centers! Those. how much money they need - so much is issued, the guarantee of this release is the degree of CONFIDENCE of clients, the popularity of this EPS. Nobody gave them permission to issue their currencies, be it paypal, WM and others. And they did not ask anyone for permission.

    And their currencies have strange names - title signs, certificates ...
    One way or another, no matter how they are called, and their purpose is to serve as the exchange equivalent and buy and sell, they regularly perform.

    The reality is that the micropayment market has completely gone to EPS, followed by a larger one, with a monthly turnover of $ 1,000-10,000.
    The largest - from $ 1,000,000, traditionally, will continue to revolve exclusively in the banking sector for many reasons.

    The real battle will unfold very soon from 10 thousand to 1 million per month. Waiting for the winner!

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