Away3d Universe - Episode 1: Installation and Setup

    As you know, each flasher should create a flash site, game and experiment in 3D :) Now, your hands have reached 3D. I liked the slogan: “No 3D demos in the flash, you give the applications”, therefore, guided by what you like in this series of articles (lessons, tutorials - call it what you want) “Away3d Universe” you dear reader will go the full way (I hope :)) three-dimensional game in flash.
    In order to use the examples given here, you need Flex Builder 3 with SDK version 3.2 or higher. Of course, Away3d can be used with Flash CS3 / 4, but Flex Builder 3 seems to me much more convenient for the developer.
    Having decided on the tools, we go on setting up the environment for projects with Away3d.
    First, we need to unzip the Away3d library for Flash Player 10 from svn - , - to the away3dFP10 folder. Who is too lazy to take from svn, you can download the archive here . A small digression, I will use and compile for Flash Player 10, because the increase in rendering increases by a third (in the 10m player, bitmap is already rasterized at the player level, not the program code).
    After that, we open Flex Builder 3 and create a new Flex Library project “Away3dFP10”: After adding, we saw that the builder gave a whole list of build errors, due to the fact that the project is built by default under the 9th Flash Player. We will change the compilation mode for the 10th Flash Player. So the first thing to do is go into the properties of the library project and open the Flex Library Build Path category:

    where you need to remove playerglobar.swc, and then add another playerglobar.swc, which is located in c: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Flex Builder 3 \ sdks \ 3.4.0 \ frameworks \ libs \ player \ 10 \ playerglobal.swc: Link parameter Type of the newly added playerglobal.swc must be changed to External: Then we need to add the compilation parameter -target-player = This completes the installation of Away3d. In the next part, we will create the first project with a three-dimensional scene.

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