The option of saving on company supply

    We continue to draw business benefits from a truly inexhaustible source - the world wide web! In the role of an imaginary “scoop” I suggest using “ PROMDEX ”. Let's see what happens.

    In a previous article, we talked about how a company can quickly find the necessary products using specialized search engines. Today I propose to try a slightly different way.

    There are sites on the Internet where you can find the right product by announcing a tender for the right or just rare product. This is a fairly simple method: it indicated the product, its characteristics, acceptable cost, terms of relevance of the tender and some other parameters. Everything. It remains to wait for answers to the tender from sellers of such goods and choose the most acceptable conditions for cooperation.

    PROMDEX adopted a tender as a way to optimize supply, and finalized it. So that the buyer does not wait for the sellers to visit the site and offer the desired product, the PROMDEX Dispatcher Service was created. This is the staff of employees who process the tenders received in the system (from any country represented in the system).

    In practice, everything happens like this:

    The company announces a tender in the PROMDEX system. The dispatch service searches for the right product in the entire Internet space, and when it finds the seller of the goods, invites him to the system, helping the seller and the buyer to contact.

    Those. The procurement department of the company, having announced a tender for PROMDEX, can actually relax. And the head - to think about reducing the staff of relaxed suppliers :)

    Jokingly, but it all started with the fact that one of the creators and developers of “PROMDEX”, while testing the “Create Tender” function, which was new at that time, saved 6 thousand cu for his company A lot or a little ... the main thing that worked and continues to work not only for "their", but for everyone!

    Afterword: “PROMDEX” is an international and multilingual system, therefore, the immediate plans include processing tenders of companies not only from the CIS countries, but also from Europe and Asia.

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