Quick gallery creation in Drupal 6 (bulk upload)

    At Drupal.ru, they once again raised the question of creating a gallery of "little blood" and most importantly, quickly. It does not pretend to be original, but many still ask. In general, here's the solution.

    We put drupal , download the following modules:
    cck , filefield , drupal.org/project/imagefield , image_fupload (read the readme !), Lightbox2 , Pathauto , Token , Transliteration

    everything in CCK, except user reference, node reference, filefield meta
    image fupload (cck)

    Make a couple of ImageCache presets
    images150x150 (scale and crop) and image800x600 (scale)

    Create a new type of material Gallery.

    Go to field management, create a field.
    Gallery image | gallery_single | file | image

    In the field settings we change Path settings
    gallery / pics / [site-date-dd] - [site-date-mm] - [site-date-yy] / [user-id]
    In global settings we set required, number 1

    Making another field:
    A bunch of images | gallery_pics | file | image_fupload

    In the field settings, change the path settings
    gallery / pics / [site-date-dd] - [site-date-mm] - [site-date-yy] / [user-id]

    In global settings, set required, number of unlimited
    Turn on alt text settings and title text settings

    Go to display field

    Gallery image | hidden | image150x150 image linked to node | hidden
    Gallery Image | hidden | hidden | lightbox2: image150x150-> image800x600
    Save, the type of material is ready

    Go to the synonym setting. For the type of material “Gallery” we set this value: gallery / [title-raw]

    Open the css of our topic and add to the end:
    .field-field-gallery-pics .odd, .field-field-gallery-pics .even {width: 150px; height: 150px; float: left; margin: 5px; }

    We go to the creation of the material, create a new gallery. We check. Do not forget in the permissions to put the right to view-)

    Actually a simple gallery is ready. The idea can be developed: add categories, tagging; enable the Views module and make a bunch of views.

    Here's a demo
    Screenshots with the settings:
    Creating the Gallery material.
    Managing Fields (Gallery Image)
    Managing Fields (Heap of Images)
    Display fields
    Add gallery

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