Marketers, be easier!

    duck.jpgThis article probably looks like an offtopic for Habr, but the above reasoning can be applied to any business field, including IT business .

    I affirm with absolute certainty that, in addition to deception, marketing is also an unceremonious waste of time for people (according to the results of comments: I will not intentionally stipulate that there is a difference between real marketing and what we call it because the comments different opinions on this subject).

    No, we will not talk about calls to your home phone with favorable offers to cure your teeth or answer the questionnaire, taking " only 20 minutes" of your time. Everyone has long been accustomed to this, and those who can’t devote time simply politely refuse or hang up the phone silently.

    I want to say about a less obvious, but no less arrogant way to take away part of their lives from people, giving nothing in return.

    A simple example. Once I signed up for MTS news to find out about the appearance of favorable tariffs or discounts that make it possible to save on communications. Everything would be fine, but for the year of subscription I did not receive a single message that really allows me to save more than a few percent. Moreover, every daysome news arrives, and it feels like everything is constantly getting cheaper and better. Until you get to the bottom of the “profitable” proposals. And then it invariably turns out that there are several footnotes or explanations to the footnotes that negate the profitability of the stock. And so in all areas where there is marketing. Once I wasn’t even lazy and drew an evil picture on this topic.

    Are these commonplace things? I agree. But a lot of time is regularly spent on them , because all areas are penetrated by marketing, and it is almost impossible to avoid the aimless waste of a part of life.

    For example, choosing a technique that is especially difficult, you have to filter out a sea of ​​marketing tricks to get to the bottom of the matter and understand which option is better in reality. It only took me many days of pure time to choose a quality computer — reading large technical articles, reviews, studying problems on forums and blogs.

    Or here is my own example of how difficult it is to choose something. I bought a washing machine. It seems to be Bosch, a solid manufacturer, high-quality equipment. Maybe it is so. But I needed a child protection feature. She was on one model (for those interested - WLX 20361), but was not on the more expensive 461st, which differs essentially only in the size of the display and a couple of additional programs we need. I doubted whether this was so and called the Bosch company store. The manager said that this was just a mistake on the site, and, of course, both models have such a function. I regret that I did not record on the recorder. Then I ordered the 461st car in a cheaper online store and only at home I found out that, indeed, she had no protection from children, and the description on the site was correct. There was no one to blame, except for himself. But I still have a negative attitude towards Bosch. Needless to say, after a repeated call and a description of our problem with reference to the words of their manager, they simply got rid of us, saying that they could not help.

    In general, not everyone has enough time, effort and knowledge to correctly make a choice. Therefore, they lend themselves to advertising, if only not to mess with the intricacies of complex comparisons.

    Here (thanks tossshik ), by the way, is an excellent illustration of how a buyer would like to act when choosing a product:


    Most unfortunate marketers are completely incapable of acting otherwise than simply deceiving people, hiding the unsightly sides of a promoted product or service.

    And how many truly unique inventions and ideas have been buried due to the marketing pressure of large corporations with their clumsy, but untwisted products!

    One can argue that in the face of fierce competition, it is impossible to act differently? I partly agree - when most manufacturers use explicit and implicit deception of customers, competing with each other in the ability to speak more eloquently from scratch, it’s very difficult to say honestly that your product is no better.

    But in the end, the fraud is revealed, and often companies have to disentangle the fruits of their lies.

    So isn’t it better to initially behave honestly and openly and purposefully to look for your strengths? At first there may not be dizzying success, but trust in the company will begin to grow steadily. In a crisis, when profits are small for all market players, this should become doubly relevant.

    On the topic - articleLeonid Kaganov about advertising, written in his fascinating style. One of the author’s thoughts - let's not be too loud to praise what we sincerely like. It really will be, and is already becoming, an honest alternative to deceitful marketing.

    The Update . The second part , conciliatory, has been published .

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