Professional Email
Not so long ago, a resume on the position of IC Layout Designer fell into my hands. Everything in it was very competent and substantive in it, but apart from that it was with a twist - it was sent from the address deep-n-well@mail.com . This feature alone is enough to understand that a person understands what kind of vacancy is offered - he does not confuse the topological design of ICs with the design of printed circuit boards, that he is adequate, with a sense of humor and quite bold.
Excellent qualities for the applicant are very elegantly demonstrated even before the interview.
I understand that the area from which I give an example is quite narrow, but inquisitive habra people have probably already grasped the essence.
On Habrahabr there are professionals in a variety of fields, so I want to spend a small habro-game.
Let everyone to whom this idea seemed interesting, register a “professional e-mail” and indicate it here along with the vacancy on which he marks.
(you can replace the domain, but I would not, suddenly you will find a great employer right in this thread).
The winner will determine the maximum number of pluses.
I will show my creativity in the email for the doctor - its-never-lupus@mail.com :)
However, I urge you to concentrate primarily on your profession, and not on humor.
Excellent qualities for the applicant are very elegantly demonstrated even before the interview.
I understand that the area from which I give an example is quite narrow, but inquisitive habra people have probably already grasped the essence.
On Habrahabr there are professionals in a variety of fields, so I want to spend a small habro-game.
Let everyone to whom this idea seemed interesting, register a “professional e-mail” and indicate it here along with the vacancy on which he marks.
(you can replace the domain, but I would not, suddenly you will find a great employer right in this thread).
The winner will determine the maximum number of pluses.
I will show my creativity in the email for the doctor - its-never-lupus@mail.com :)
However, I urge you to concentrate primarily on your profession, and not on humor.